Chapter 3: Meet Megatron

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   I have been training with Starscream for a month now and I even punched him in the face today! At that moment, I thought I was scrap for sure. Instead, as my fist came away from his face, he paused, then slowly straightened himself, and said to use some more force. He moved past me and walked to the desk to press the intercom button, or so I assumed. Then he told me I was done early today because he had a meeting and that I am learning quicker than anticipated. After a few short minutes, Rockbumper finally came in. I waved and smiled at him, he did so back.

    “Goodbye Starscream.” I gave a small wave goodbye.

    “Goodbye,” he replied somewhat distantly as if his head was up in space out of orbit. I practically bounced with excitement to Rockbumper and then we headed to my quarters.

    “Hello Rockbumper, how are you today?”

    “Fine, and you?”

    “Absolutely wonderful!” I replied happily, for now I have a friend.

    “How was your training today?”He asked as the usual question.

    “Great and… I punched Starscream in the face…” I said, a bit embarrassed.

    “Really? Well done! You are really quite good for just a month. A natural. You should be very proud.” He praised me.

    “Thank you, I do not believe I would have been able to if I did not have your daily encouragement.” I said gratefully.

    “Thank you, Gabrielle.” He finished with a nice tone on my name, and we had arrived at my room.

    “I will see you tomorrow young warrior.”

    “Goodnight Rockbumper.” I yawned and closed the door. I was tired even though I came back from training early. I pushed my best effort out past the max today. I went to my table bed and laid on it. Every night, I would lay here and dream of Optimus and the Autobots. I was almost in stasis when Rockbumper came back in.

    “Gabrielle, Starscream has requested your urgent presence at the high council meeting.” He said quickly.

    “Let’s go.” I said, jumping up and hurrying out the door past the tense Rockbumper. I wonder what he is so worried about. Am I in trouble? Have the finally decided to get rid of me? Am I going to get another training teacher? What would make Rockbumper so tense about me? These questions bubbled within me as we went through the twists, turns, and long pathways. Finally, we came to a stop at a very large door. Rockbumper reached for the button to the side, but hesitated. With a sigh, he pressed it. When I stepped through the door, I found that Rockbumper had not followed me onto the hanging ledge.

    “Come Gabrielle.” Starscream beckoned me over to a large gray and purple bot with his back to me, so I couldn’t see his face. Is this really a high council meeting? I have never been to one before and and it certainly was not what I expected. Then the bot turned around. I could not hold in my gasp. There, right in front of me… was…

    “Megatron.” I whispered, completely and utterly bewildered.

    “Hello Gabrielle. At last we meet.” He crooned.

    Optimus, wherever you are, I need you, help me find a way to get through this and find out how to best handle this unseen situation. I know Megatron has changed, or had. Something is up, and I fear it will be catastrophic.

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