A Not So Happy Half-Ending...

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The following morning, we were packing up, and moving out. Jason and Piper took off first on Tempest, followed by Percy and Annabeth on Blackjack. Frank took off as a dragon, Hazel riding on his back. When Leo was ready, he almost flew into the saddle, ready for action. He held out his hand, and I grabbed it. He lifted me into the saddle, brushing my lips with his. He immediately turned a deep red, and I felt myself flush too. He took off, cooling my face, and leaving me whooping with newfound hope. Thanks, goddess of wisdom! 

We flew over the Rockies like torpedoes, zooming over mountains, and dodging clouds just for the fun of it, but always following Hazel's glowing staff. We hadn't had this much fun before I had had a visit from Athena. It made me smile big. I hugged Leo's waste. He flinched, then relaxed, calling out to Percy and pointing at me. Percy gave a thumbs up. That made Annabeth laugh.  

The view was amazing. All around us, mountains soared, and rivers snaked underneath us. Birds flew by, cawing is surprise. I felt the wind in my hair and felt an odd tingling of pleasure. The sun glided over the sky, making me think of Apollo on his golden chariot. It couldn't get any better than this. 

And I was right; it got worse. We were just passing between two snow topped mountains, when suddenly Blackjack slammed into something. He screeched with surprise, and plummeted towards the ground! Annabeth and Percy were tossed behind us, screaming for help. Jason turned Tempest around, but before he could move, Tempest sounded with pain and vaporized in a cloud of moisture. Jason's head twitched, and he went slack as he fell with Piper screaming in his ear to wake up. 

Just when I thought I was back to my senses, I felt Festus short-circuit beneath me, and his eyes went dark. Leo yelled at him, trying to get him to turn on, but soon we were plummeting towards the ground, not doing any better than the others. 

I couldn't see Frank or Hazel anywhere, and that didn't do anything to my spirits. I soared towards the ground, feeling the wind that felt so good only moments ago. Then I realized something: I was soaring! I could feel the winds pressing against me, waiting to lift me up. Jason had told me about this feeling, and I knew what I had to do. 

Quickly, I flew over to Leo, and grabbed his hand. He looked up at me quizzically, but he turned red all the same. Next, I concentrated. I channeled all my emotions into the wind, bending them to my will. Soon, me and Leo were frozen in midair. Leo looked flabbergasted, even though he had done this once before with Jason. 

Then I realized that Percy and Annabeth were still falling. I flew Leo to the ground, where Festus lay unharmed, but turned off. Leo ran to him, and I launched myself back into the air. I looked for Percy and Annabeth, or Hazel and Frank, or even Jason and Piper. No one was left except us! I lost concentration and felt the wind pick up as I fell towards the ground, emptied of hope. 

Suddenly, something hard rammed into me. I gasped. I felt myself tossed onto a hard surface that moved like muscle. When I opened my eyes, I saw that I was riding a dragon, along with all my other friends! 


The whole story was retold by Hazel as Leo repaired Festus. Apparently, a field of energy had appeared out of nowhere and caused each ride to lose power in its own way, except for Frank, who seemed to have the exception. 

"Where's Jason," I asked. Hazel averted her eyes, looking guilty. 

"Laura...something happened to him. We don't know what." 

My heart almost stopped. "Where is he," I asked again. 

Hazel sighed, and pointed at Piper. She looked up, tears trickling down her face. I ran over to her, and saw Jason lying on the ground, barely breathing, his face slick with sweat. His hands were cold, and he wasn't moving.  

I cried. I couldn't help it. My only brother that really understood me, took care of me, and I had failed him. I had pushed him away when he tried to help me, protect me, but there was nothing I could do to save him now. I grabbed some ambrosia, but Piper grabbed my arm. 

"I already fed him some. He hasn't gotten any better. Laura...I'm sorry." 

I sat next to Jason, tears dripping my already dry eyes. I held his hand, which was bigger than mine in an annoying brother kind of way. It comforted me. I saw Piper resting her head on his chest, sobbing. I realized that she must be traumatized as well. I quickly scooted over to her and pulled her into a hug. She didn't object. I saw everyone lower their eyes, and put three fingers over their hearts, a sign to protect from evil. I was confused. Jason wasn't evil. 

Then Annabeth lowered her three fingers flat and blew on them like blowing a kiss. Everyone followed her example, and Jason's body began to glow. I pulled Piper back as his body lifted into the air. I smiled weakly. Dad was going to take him back.  

Then the clouds closed up again, and I felt emptiness take over. I stumbled, and Leo grabbed me, pulling me into a hug. Despite myself, my heart leapt into my mouth. When he pulled me away, it was gently, not forceful. I wrapped his arms around me, and stared at the spot where Jason had once been, thinking of his soul making its way to Elysium. 

The son of Jupiter was dead. His quest was over.

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