Trail Ride

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('You/I' is angel)
I walked slowly down a trail. I was a horse like no other. In single file walking at the same beat each step. Some of us off beat.
"Is it done already!" I nickered to the other horses
"Oh stop complaining." One replied from the line who i couldn't see
Another one said a quick "shut up"
I stayed quiet the rest of the ride sighing softly to myself
I watched deer and fawn run by in the bush as some of the horses got spooked
"Scaredy horse!" They neighed to the horses laughing.
The dears ears flickered to us and bolting the other way from us with its fawn. I wanted to be free like them.
I wanted to be free like an eagle.

The riders jumped off of us and untacked us and let us in a pasture until the next ride.
Cream my friend, came trotting to me.
"Hey! How was the trail ride??" She said happily.
"It was like no other.
Boring and lame"
She nuzzled me.
"I want to be free..." I mumbled as she nuzzled me.
"What was that, Angel?"
"Nothing, Cream."
I pulled away and walked over to my mother, Daisy and twin brother, Ghost.
"Hi dear!" Mom greeted me.
"Hi mom..." I said back.
Ghost ran to me wildly, he as still a colt. And is not used to trail rides yet.
He burst around me
"Hey Angel!" He said really fast cantering around me.
"Settle down now Ghost.." Mom calmed him.
Cream walked towards us, joining our group.
"Hey Ghost. Hey Daisy"
Mom nodded as Cream said hi.
"Hi Creamy!" Ghost said calling her back her nickname.
"Can I speak to you, creamy?"
Creamy came over to me as we walked in the same direction away from mom and Ghost.

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