Taken Away

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The next morning mom was gone. Our family has a long line of deep sleepers. Me and Ghost were probably in deep sleep when she left. I looked around if she was anywhere before going into shock that she was gone. Ghost laid sleeping in the cozy bed of hay, I trotted to the group of horses with Cream.
"Does anyone know where Daisy went? Or if she got taken to Paradise?"
I said as I ran into the middle of the group. Most of the horses questioned me like I was crazy.
"Anyone?" I looked around at everyone,. They tried not to make eye contact in till one spoke up.
"I seen.. Late at night, they took her.."
"Your lying.. No.." I backed away and ran towards Ghost. A tear rolled down my cheek as I laid down beside Ghost exactly where mom was.
"Mommy..." He said nuzzling me as he thought I was like mom. He opened his eyes noticing it wasn't mom
"No it's Angel.."
"Angel? Where's mom?" He said as he got up not knowing she had gone to paradise.
"You know, how dad went to Pony Paradise? All the stories mom told you?"
He teared up as my words sank out of my mouth, he ran off to the far side before I can continue what I was gonna tell him. I gallop to him as he ran fast but not fast to beat me.
"No! I want mom" He said holding some tears in. As he sped up.
"Wait! Maybe we can go to mom an-"
He stopped immediately.
"What?" He said brightly in some hope.
"Here follow me.." We walked over to the corner with the cracked fence.
And I explained what I wanted to do to him hopefully he'd understand.
"Ohhh! This is gonna be fun! I'm gonna tell everyone how strong I am and-"
"No, you cannot tell anyone.. We're gonna leave tonight at dusk."
"What's dusk?"
I could tell his fear in his eyes of the big journey ahead of us but his excitement kept me happy. He hasn't been without mom. Hopefully she's happy with Dad right now...
But what if he's found someone knew?....
I paused my thoughts as I watched Ghost peer his head out of the crack of the fence. Looking outside of the fence
"Woah.." I heard him say as his eyes lit up with joy.
He was looking at nature, a way to mom, a horses dream and freedom....

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