Why Me!?!?!?

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Maya's P.O.V
As I walk into school, the memory of the subway ride runs through my head.

The fear in his eyes
The way he looked at me
Like... like

I was a new person

I walk to my assigned locker and put in the code, throwing in whatever I had except my science notebook. I close my locker and stroll to class knocking down people in my way.

I look around the class and sat in the middle table so my teacher won't call on me. I hear a shift in the chair next to me, I slowly look at them and mentally groan.

Howdy Ma'am
Hi. I mutter with a little annoyance.
No Huckleberry, no Moral Compass, Ranger Rick? Are you okay?
I called you those names because I liked you.
You don't like me?

Of course I was lying, I loved him until the summer before Junior year. I loved him until he loved someone else....until he loved her.

*45 Minutes Later and the bell rings*
I grab my notebook and my homework and sprint out of class. God 1st period and I have to deal with Lucas.

While walking to my 2nd period, I couldn't help but smile, Harper!!! I quickly arrive there and grab a seat in the front.

I hear an army of heels clicking and several scoffs while walking past me. I sigh and curse everyone's day. I waited for Harper to come, as people were filing into their seats, another lady came in.

Class, I know you were expecting someone else. Fortunately, she is teaching AP English, their was an issue with the 1st AP teacher.
What happened?
I'm not supposed to tell you this, but the AP teacher was romantically involved with a student. I DIDN'T TELL YOU THAT THOUGH!!!

Then i heard an annoying voice speak up.

Mom do you ever stop gossiping?
Your right. Ugh you guys keep me young.

WHY ME!?!?!?

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