Lunch Time

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Narrative POV

Maya never felt lonely than she did at school, Missy would push her down or rub Lucas in front of her. Riley couldn't help but noticed, Riley didn't feel like Maya's friend anymore. She didn't feel like she could talk to Maya that this wasn't her business.

Riley stayed silent she was glad that Missy never bullied her like she is doing Maya. Riley walked to lunch and grabbed the ham&cheese croissant and walked to the cheerleaders table.

Maya grabbed her lunch tray and was rushing to the bathroom to eat. Missy's minion Brianna pushed down her lunch tray and people turned around laughed at Maya.

Farkle sighed and glanced at Lucas who was laughing along with Missy. FARKLE WAS SO MAD HE ALMOST GOT TOUGH ENOUGH TO STAND UP TO LUCAS AND HIS FRIENDS!!!

Lucas couldn't help but laugh at how clumsy Maya was, he didn't know Brianna purposely pushed the tray down.

If you look close enough you can see the clear tears falling from Maya's eyes. Maya stood in shock and dropped to the ground. She covered her face and sat there crying.

Lucas felt bad and got out of his seat to comfort Maya. Maya felt his arms around her, but this was the moment when she realized she wanted revenge. She pushed him off her and wiped the remaining tears and walked out of the cafeteria.

Maya went to her locker and grabbed her backpack and put the lock on the locker. She walked out of the school doors, not to be seen for the rest of the year.

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