chapter 1

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Clarke pov:

We was all celebrating Octavia birthday at Grounder. We was all drunk because, Jasper and Monty was slapping each other back and forth. Bellamy was talking to his drink, Octavia and Raven was making out, Lincoln was talking to the wall. Lexa was making out with the bartender. After we all had are moment's it was time to go home. We called taxi's because we was to drunk to drive home.
Everybody had left it was only lexa and I.

So are you coming over my house, I said she looked at me and smile

Yea I dont want to go home, lexa said

When we got to my house my mom was still at work so we went upstair's to my room.

When we got to my house my mom was still at work so we went upstair's to my room

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We both changed into some comfortable clothes. Lexa and I started to watch a scary movie but I hate them and she love them. When a scary part came on I jump on lexa to hide when I looked up the movie was ended. I looked back at lexa and we was so close one move my lips will be on hers.

Lexa pov:

She was so close and I know I was still drunk so I did want any drunk person would do I kissed her. She kissed back and it started to get heated and clothes came off----you know want happens.

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