The Park

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I was finishing up some homework because tomorrow was the last day of school before holiday break. Then my phone buzzed and it was Chandler.

To: Hannah:)


From: Chandler♡

To: Chandler♡

Hi. Why did you enter your name as "Chandler"?

From: Hannah:)

To: Hannah:)

Because EVERYONE should love me!

From: Chandler♡

To: Hannah:)

Do you want to meet me at the park at 8?

From: Chandler♡

To: Chandler♡


From: Hannah:)

I rummaged threw my closet to find something to wear.....not to fancy

I decided on a strapless blue shirt and skinny jeans. When I got to the park I looked for Chandler. He was climbing a tree when I called his name. "Hey Hannah" he said. "Hi". He was wearing blue jeans and a TWD shirt. "Nice shirt" I said and chucked. "Thanks".

"So, what do you want to talk about?" I asked

"Well, tell me about yourself!"

"Ok. My name is Hannah, I love acting, and of corse, the walking dead." I told him

"Me too" he said and we laughed

"So what's it like being in the walking dead and being famous and all that stuff?" I asked

"It's good! A lot of paparazzi but I love acting, too"

"Were friends right?" asked Chandler

"Yeah sure" I said

"Good" he said.

"Your a good friend"

I blushed

I have the biggest crush on him and I can't believe I am friends with him it's just so awesome.

To be honest I really am hoping we can become more then friends.

"Yeah, I enjoy being friends" I said

He got a message and his phone buzzed

"Who's that?"

"My girlfriend, Rachel" he answered

"Oh" I said

"I'll answer that later" he said

*Chandler's POV*

I have a crush on her. She's just so pretty in the moonlight with her hair down. But I have a girlfriend. I need to break up with Rachel. She is so clingy and I honestly do not even like her that much. That's what I will text her later.

"Hey, Hannah. So I was thinking, Robert, our director, has been trying to find someone to play the role as Maddy Dixon, Daryl's daughter who later becomes Carl's love interest and I was thinking you could try put for her, huh?"

"umm, I would love to but I don't think I'm ready for it. I have only done plays and commercials!" Hannah said

"Come on, Hannah. I bet your really talented. Just at least try out! pleaseeeee?"

She blushed and smiled. Gosh, her smile is amazing

"Oh, okay!" She said

"Yay" I said

*Hannah's POV*

When I said yes his eye lit up. They we such a pretty shade of blue.

Geez, I must really like this boy because I just agreed to audition for a famous tv show!

It was already 10 and we were near Chandlers house so he invite me to stay at his house for the night.

"Okay." I said

He grabbed my hand and walked me to his house.


Hey. I will probably start update a little less when school does start back ugh but I promise I will try to update as much as I can.


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