Chapter One

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Chapter One 

    Thick, heavy darkness shrouded Devony’s vision as she tried to gain her bearings. She reached out before her, feeling the rough bark of a tree beneath her finger tips. The forest

     But how did she get there?  Panic started to creep into her veins, because the last thing she remembered was returning home from her bachelorette party—and that was nowhere near the forest. A sliver of moonlight broke the dark and she noticed something lying on the ground a few yards away. 

     The earth was pliable under her bare feet as she padded cautiously toward what—as she came closer—appeared to be a figure on the ground. Her breath quickened and her heart beat like a bass drum. The figure wasn't moving, 

     "Not good, so not good," she muttered to the foreboding darkness. She crouched down and slowly reached out a shaking hand to touch what she now knew was a man.  Shirtless and covered in scratches and dirt. Her hand gripped his bare shoulder and she heaved a sigh of relief. "He's’re warm buddy, so that means you aren't dead. Well at least not yet." 

     Devony carefully tipped the man onto his back and her heart leapt into her throat. His body was formed entirely of hard lines and well defined muscle—but his face...

The face of an angel.  She scoffed at the thought, but it seemed to be the only comparison worthy of that face. 

     The unconscious man also had a thick head of ebony hair that looked soft as silk, and dark eyebrows arched ever so perfectly. Hidden beneath pale eyelids were a pair of deep-set eyes. Hmm, I bet the color is just perfect for your perfect face Angel Boy!  Devony giggled at that thought.  Her eyes landed on his lips next, and she was pleased to see that they were the most kissable-looking lips she had ever seen—not that she had seen or kissed a lot. His jaw was strong and masculine as well. "I bet your girlfriend is one happy camper!" 

She leaned closer, eager to discover more of what might lie in wait below that beautiful face…

"Devony!  Devony!"

     Her eyes popped open and Devony stumbled out of bed, gasping for air. "What...the hell....just....happened? How did I...." She looked around the room shook her head to clear it, “get back here so fast?"  She looked over to find her sister standing beside the bed.  " Phaedra? What is going on?"  

     Phaedra's eyes were as wide as saucers as she took in her sister's disheveled state. "What? Dev, you've been here all night." Phaedra rushed to her sister's side "Your shaking like a leaf, calm down Dev!" 

     "Calm down? Calm down? I was just in the forest..and...and..." Devony ran her hands through her snarled hair, tears began to well up in her eyes.   "There was a guy..Phae, he's hurt!"

Devony whirled on her heel, staggered for the wardrobe in the corner.  Without a thought, she snatched open drawers and dragged out whatever articles of clothing she could reach. 

      "I have to get to him Phaedra! He will die if I don't!" 

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