Chapter Two

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     Chapter Two

     On her way out of town in search of 'Angel Boy' as she now dubbed him, Devony came upon the Great Hall.  She stopped short as she spied Zebediah, most likely there to prepare for their wedding. 

     For a moment, she stood there, watching him move about the exterior of the Hall, hanging the garland that would be adorned with Stargazer Lilies.

     Devony couldn't help but smile as she envisioned what the lilies would look like once in full bloom.  They were her favorite flower, and she could almost smell the sweet aroma that many people seemed to find cloying.   

     Zebediah happened to look in her direction and proceeded to close the distance.  Her heart skipped a slow beat as her betrothed came closer.

     "Devony?  I wasn't expecting to see you until the wedding, love—but I’m glad…”  His voice deepened into a husky murmur as he finally reached her.   “I didn't know how I would make it until then."

      She laughed as he grabbed her, pulling her in for a simple, chaste kiss on her lips.   Something akin to apprehension snaked through her veins, causing her forehead to crease.

     "I guess I just needed to see you." Devony said with a weak smile—but her feelings just felt wrong, somehow out of place, and it was irritating.  

     "Dev?  Is everything alright? You look a little pale.  Is there something wrong with the decorations? I have been assured the lilies will be breathtaking, and will arrive in time for the—"

     "No, the decorations are coming along nicely.  I have no doubt that everything will be beautiful Zeb.  I...I just have some things on my mind is all."

     "Anything your big strong and, if I do say so myself, extremely studly, fiancé could help you with?" Zebediah flexed his muscles and gave her a sly smile.  

Giggling, Devony playfully smacked his arm, "Oh you are quite the stud, or so I've heard, from...well no one else."

   Zebediah gasped, placing his hand over his heart as if mortally wounded.   "You’ve insulted my pride!  How will I ever face myself in the mirror again?"

     "I'm sure you'll manage my dear."

 Zeb's jocular personality was what had first drawn her to him when they had been teenagers.  He was her first and only love.  Everyone thought they would've married when they became of age, but something always held her back in the beginning.  

     She knew she loved him and she always would. Their love wasn't the perfect fairy tale kind of love, but it was strong and kept them together for ten years and counting.

     "Zeb, I am heading out of town for a couple of days at the most....I'll be back before the rehearsal." She hurriedly told him as a look of confusion and concern crossed his face.

      "Devony, are you sure you are alright?  You're starting to worry me."

      "No, I mean, yes, I'm fine and no you don't have to worry.  I just need to do a few things before we get married.  Just bridal things." Devony felt horrible for lying to him.  But, 'Hey Zeb, I need to go find and rescue a half naked Angel Boy,  whom I may or may not be bonded to by the fates, but don't you worry,  I'll be back in time to say I do!'  just didn't seem appropriate.

     She planted a kiss on his cheek and smiled up at him.  "I will see you in a couple days."

     "Ok. See you in a couple days then."

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