Chapter Four

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  Thanks Keevs for the fabulous cover <3

Chapter Four

   Devony awoke to strange surroundings and the heavenly smell of bacon wafting through the air. Her stomach gave a loud growl and she realized that she couldn't recall the last time she had eaten.

     Having stormed out of the house, bound and determined to find 'Angel Boy' and fix the mess the fates had decided to thrust upon her in time for her wedding, she had completely neglected her body's need for food.

     Confusion furrowed her brow as she took in the unfamiliar room and a twinge panic arose as she tried to recall how she escaped the nightmare of the forest and ended up here. Where the heck... her thoughts trailed off as she took everything in.

     The room was simple yet elegant. The walls were a steel grey, the furniture a high gloss black and the comforter, she was nestled under comfortably, a crisp white so fluffy it made her think of a cloud. A mirror over the dresser grabbed her attention as she took in her disheveled appearance.

     "Great, it's going to take me days to tame this mess!" she sighed as she tried forcing her fingers through the knotted birds nest atop her head, finally giving up when it felt as if she was scalping herself.

     The sound of pots clanging and a muttered curse, in an all too masculine tone, gave her a start and her head whipped towards the door.  There was a silence that followed which felt to Devony, like someone was frozen in place,  listening intently for any sound to come from her direction. After a moment a distant sizzling sound filled the quietude and Devony relaxed and released the breath she was holding. Her stomach gave another rumble forcing her to leave the comforts of the bed.

     She threw the cozy comforter off of her and swung her legs over the bed. Her bare feet landed on a carpet so thick and lush it must've cost a fortune. She had never felt fibers such as these under her feet. Her family was one of the more well-to-do in her town, but never would her parents splurge on something as luxurious as this carpet.

     Devony cautiously padded across the deep grey carpet, slowly opening the bedroom door and peeked out into what appeared to be the living area. It was spacious to say the least and the elegantly muted grey, black and white color scheme dotted the space. Not a fan of color it seems, she thought as she quickly scanned the rooms before her searching for a quick escape route.

     Beyond the living and dining room combo area there stood a small yet elegantly modern kitchen off to the left and what she thought to be either a powder room or closet off to the right, framing an entry hall. The set up made her think of a deluxe apartment in New York. Not overly spacious, yet nowhere near the shoebox apartments she had visited as a child.

     Door. Leave Dev. Leave now and don't look back, her mind frantically screamed at her muscles.  She took a few cautious steps forward paused and crept a few more paces, closing the fap between her and freedom just beyond the door.

     She just reached the entryway when a wonderfully masculine voice, deep and sultry, had her spinning toward the kitchen.

     "Ah, you're awake.  I wasn't sure what you would like, but I figured you would be hungry when you woke up, so I made breakfast foods.  Who doesn't like bacon, right?"

     "A vegitarian," was all Devony could think to utter at that moment and her eyes widened in shock at her snarky reply.

     Paxiel stared at her for a moment as he digested her retort, "Well, I hope you aren't a vegitarian then."

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