Chapter 1: Log Date 11 16 3

104 7 2

Peridot's P.O.V.

"Peridot reporting in. Lapis seems to have gotten into the likes of the apartment that we live in together. We arranged it to our liking and fixed the giant hole in the wall that I kinda....put in the wall from my robot. Steven should be coming over here soon to stay with us for while, but I'm not sure when. Lapis has also gotten closer in touch with me too. We love Camp Pining Hearts and we hang out all the time...well we do live together."Why is she yelling at me? "Peridot!" "Jesus christ...Yeah Lapis!?"I yelled back."I think Steven is here!" She exclaimed."Ok! Peridot out."

Ok. Now that the log is over I need to see if Steven is here. I walk towards the door to open it,but when I get there the door smacks me in the face. I look up from the floor to see Steven standing there. "Guys I'm here! Oh my god! Peridot are you ok?" Steven said. Steven has his hands over his mouth and his eyes are tearing up. "Damn...Yeah I'm fine." I replied. "Lapis come here!"He had yelled. He's really worried,but I'm fine. "I'm he...Oh my god are you ok!?" Lapis asked. Lapis looks worried too. "Lapis I'm fine. Why are you guys so worried?"

I saw something red in the corner of my eye. It's...blood. I touched my forehead with my hand. Dammit my head is cracked open. "Let's get going so I can get stitches. Steven,will you go home till we get back?" Jesus christ...I guess this is my luck. "Yeah.Make sure to call me. I'm so sorry." He proclaimed "Thank you Steven. Lapis let's get going." I said We had gotten something to keep the blood from dripping and had gotten on Lapis's Motorcycle and drove to the hospital. I had to get six stitches for this tiny little crack? God I should have told him to wait.

Lapis's P.O.V

God she did sure take a blow to the head.She doesn't need anymore stuff to happen to her body. "God Peri. What happened?" I asked. "Steven busted through the door and the door hit me in the face." She said in a very annoyed tone. "Well then. You sound annoyed are you ok?" I had to ask after that. She's probably mad cause she's already had her left leg and right arm eaten by a shark. She's ok now...she made bionic limbs. "....Yeah. Yeah I am." She finally replied. "You don't sound like it. Are you wanting something?" I said. I really worry about her sometimes. We got off my Motorcycle and I turned to look at her. She...she has sweat dripping down her head? Ok something is up.

Peridot's P.O.V.

I wanna date her...,but I'm too afraid to say that. "Can you tell me the story of how we met?" I asked in a jittery voice. "I guess I could...but it's too long." She had to whine while saying that? Wait I know a way. "Oh maybe when Steven comes over we can tell him."I proclaimed. Her eyes widen at the thought. "Yeah we could do that." She said with excitement. YES! By the time we got to the apartment, Steven was sitting outside the door. "Steven I thought I told you to go home while we were gone." I said to him. "I did,but I came back to wait." He said with a huge ass grin on his face. Lapis started to giggle. Why you giggling? "What the fuck are you giggling 'bout?!" I exclaimed. " Steven come in we wanna tell you a story."

Peridot P.O.V
This is going to be hard getting my true feelings to her...but I gotta do this and in front of Steven. "This will show him I'm not a wimp." I murmured, " "Hey Steven go sit down on the couch and Lapis...go stand in front of Steven." This may go well or go very, very bad. "What's all this about Peridot?" Lapis asked. " Just give me a sec..." I said to Lapis. I went over to Lapis, grabbed her hand, and got down on one knee. " Um Lapis...I just wanted to say um.." I said while stuttering, " I think you're the kindest, funniest, and most beautiful person in the world."

This is going off the deep end, but to hell with it. I'm finally doing this and I'm proud. I continued on with what I was saying, " From the day that you saved me from the shark attack" I proclaimed,I had my eyes shut tight looking down at the ground whilst trying not to cry, "I knew were the right person for me....and wasn't brave enough to ask and tell you this , but..." Here comes the hard part... " I've loved you since then and all I want to know is!..." I shouted, " Will you go out with me?" I asked. I looked up at her. Why is she crying? Oh shit.

Lapis P.O.V.

"Will you go out with me?" Peridot asked. Oh my god. It's a total yes. I'm crying and when I cry it means something's wrong...but not this time. " I'm sorr.." I stopped Peridot there. " Yes." I said, "Yes Yes Yes!" I exclaimed while pulling Peridot up. "Really?" She asked. I pulled her in for a passionate kiss. I really just did that.Well I still am, but whatever.

It was about a 30 second kiss when I pulled away and put my forehead on her's. " Yes you dork." I said. " SHE SAID YES!" Oh my god that was loud. We both looked over at Steven. He was in tears and clapping. "OTP,OTP,OTP!" he screamed, " You don't know how long I've been waiting for this." Steven said through his tears. " Now that's over.." Peridot said while plopping on the couch then patting a spot for me, " Let's get on with the story."she said. I came over and sat by her and she sat her arm around me. This is a good life.

Like I said I suck at writing. Just tell me if you want more.

Log Date 11 16 3Where stories live. Discover now