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Young Peridot P.O.V

    "Log Date 9 02 13... today is my 7th birthday. My mother is taking me to our local beach we have about 13 miles away from our house and it is an ocean beach. This is actually the only nice thing she's ever done for me. She thinks that I'm her slave and I should bow down to her. So what do I say to her, 'Screw off.' cause she needs to. Anyway I gotta get going. Peridot out."   

    I got on everything and collected what I needed. Yella Diamond saw me coming and smiled. She smiled at me for once. We walked to our car and headed off. It was about a 15 minute drive there and when we got there it was packed. Every single area had someone in it and all the parking spots were full. We saw one free parking spot and parked there and when parked,I grabbed all my things, unbuckled, then ran off to the beach to find an area.

    I had found one area and sat my stuff down. "Yella! I found a spot!" I yelled to my mother. She turned to me and smiled. When she got over to me I told her I was going to go for a swim. She nodded her head and I ran off to the water. I swam around for a bit then I noticed someone. This was Lapis. She was this very,very beautiful young girl that was around my age.
Well while I was spacing out while watching her, I get pulled under. I wasn't able to catch my breath before I went under and I felt a sharp pain in my lower left leg. I sat up since I wasn't that deep in and screamed. I looked down to my leg and saw a shark rip of my leg.It burned and I started to lose blood. Well when I lost blood and that attracted another shark and that one attacked my lower right arm. I started to cry in pain and people noticed. The person who noticed the most was Lapis.

Young Lapis P.O.V

Someone just screamed. I gotta check this out. I looked around and saw this girl that is around my age.
She's hurt.Very hurt. I ran over to her to help. She was hurt badly. She was bleeding badly. " ARE YOU OK?!" I screamed. She kept on screaming so I got down on my knees and put my arms around her waist and pulled her up to shore.She was passed out now...she lost too much blood. I ran up to my mother and got her. She saw her and called 911. About 10 minutes later the ambulance came and me,my mother, and who I suspected was her mother rode with her there.

4 days later...
Peridot P.O.V

    I woke up 4 days after the incident and the first person I saw was...her. The lovely lady was there with her mother. " Welcome back." she said to me. God dang even her voice "T-thanks...what happened?" I asked, "Well you got attacked by a shark and passed out by blood loss." she replied. "You almost died,but they saved you...but you have no arm or leg." her mother said. I looked at my arm, it was gone....I looked at my leg it was, also gone. I started to cry then I heard her voice. " Hey. It's ok. I never got to catch your name. I'm Lapis, Lapis Lazuli." she said. "I'm Peridot Diamond." I said looking up to her. Her beautiful eyes were in tears. I made her cry. God I made someone cry that I don't know. "That's a beautiful name. Hey I hope we can be friends. You seem cool." she said. Wow I have made a friend. By them saving me I've made a friend. "Yeah I hope so too." I told her.

No P.O.V.

    Through the next couple of years, Lapis and Peridot got to know each other very well. Peridot learned that Lapis goes to school with her and they just didn't noticed each other. While Peridot wasn't talking with Lapis she was building bionic limbs to replace the stubs. By her 13th birthday she had finished her limbs. She left it a surprise to Lapis so when school started she would surprise her. Peridot has to tweak her limbs every now and then,but in the end it works out. Around the time she was a Sophomore in G.E.M. High, she met Steven. They are now close friends and hang out almost every day.

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