Just some info.

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Peridot Diamond- Half bionic human. Nickname: Peri,P dot ,Periodactyl,Peridork ,Age: 21, School Level:Freshman in College,Date of Birth: September 13th 1995

    Peridot Diamond has had a rough past with her mother,people around her, and a shark. Her mother, Yella Diamond, has treated Peridot as a slave most of her life. People around her treat her like shit excluding Steven,Pearl,Amethyst,Garnet,and Lapis.Besides her shitty life she is a very loving person. And the shark....7 year old Peridot had gone to the beach not knowing her left leg and right arm would get ripped off by a shark....But she's ok now.

She is advanced in technological mechanics and has made a bionic arm and leg for herself. Lapis is her crush..but is to afraid to tell her. She now lives with Lapis in their apartment. Peridot is a pale, freckled lady with hair that stands up in front like a mohawk and off to the sides. She acts very devilish and has a slight attitude.She also swears in almost every sentence.She is also a very famous gamer and does log dates. The dates of the logs go by month, year, day. Example:11 16 30.

Lapis Lazuli- Full human. Nickname :Bob,Lazuli,Age:21,School Level: Freshman in College,Date of Birth: August 10th 1995

    Lapis Lazuli has had a normal life with her mother,and people around her. Her mother, Blue Diamond, kinda spoils her with games and jewelry.People around her admire her...and she thinks Peridot has a crush on her (Which she does). It's kinda obvious that she has a crush on her. She also helped Peridot out of the water the day of the shark attack that had made Peridot like her ever since.

She now lives with Peridot in their apartment. Lapis is a tan, blue haired lady with curves of a goddess. She has the opposite attitude than Peridot. She is angelic and rarely swears,but she basically only swears while gaming. She is also a very famous gamer like Peridot and has a whole elaborate gaming setup too.

Steven Universe-Human, Age:17,School Level: Senior In Highschool.

Steven has had a rough life also, his mother died when he was two and has been living with Garnet,Amethyst, and Pearl since he was 9. He met Peri and Lapis when he was 13 when they went to Beach City High with him. He was the one to crack Peri's head open with a door. He is also waiting for the day Peridot will confess her love for Lapis to Lapis.

Log Date 11 16 3Where stories live. Discover now