Chapter 3 : After Story

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Peridot P.O.V.

"And that's the end!" I said. I looked at Steven who was passed out on the couch and drooling. I chuckled. "I guess we need to call Greg, right Lapis?" I looked over at Lapis that was also asleep, but she was in my arms. Cute... I pulled my phone out and dialed up Greg. The phone rang a few times till he picked up. "Hello?" I heard a deep voice on the other end. "Hey Greg! Can you come pick up Steven from my place? He passed out while I was telling a story." I said. "Yeah I'll be over in ten." he said. "Thank you." I said then I hung up.

I had to try and get up peacefully so I wouldn't wake up Lapis. I slid my arm out from behind Lapis and slowly stood up. Luckily I didn't wake up Lapis but I did wake up Steven. "Hey buddy. Your dad is on the way to pick you up so head outside." I told him. "Ok...."He got up while saying that and gave me a hug. I hugged him back and he left.

I looked at Lapis and walked over to her. Well....I should get her to her room. I picked her up and took her to her room. I opened the door and walked over to her bed. "Heh...your room is a mess." I said looking around. There is clothes on the floor, trash over flowing the bin, and cans of Mountain Dew on her computer desk, but her bed is nicely made...god even I keep my room cleaner than this.

I pulled down her covers and laid her down on her bed. I covered her back up and turned to leave when I felt something grab my arm. It was Lapis. "Peri... come here." she said to me sleepy. I turned around and took two steps. " Yes Lapis?" I asked her. She sat up and pulled me in for a kiss. She backed away and spoke. "Come sleep with me. We are dating of course." She giggled a bit and that made me smile. She scooted over and patted the clear area. I sat down on the bed and pulled the covers down. I then laid down and pulled the covers back up. "Hey Lapis." I said turning to face her. "Yes Peri?" She questioned. I kissed her forehead and wrapped my arms around her. "I love you. Night." I said. "I love you too." She replied. In the end we both fell asleep like that.

Author's Note

UGHHH!!! I'm finally back!! And a new chapter is done! It's just a short filler chapter till I can think of something greater. It's all in Peri's eyes too (aka. My eyes cause Peri is basically me in this). I gotta get back to class...Ciao!

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