Part 4 "Revenge is so sick and so sweet.

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Just before I pull the curtains close, the rising full moon catches my eye. She's beautiful. Perfectly round, crisp—even brighter than she's ever been. It's Karma. It has to be. How else would he end up in my chair? This is the universe sending him to me. Sending him so I can complete the circle. And heal my wounds.

I lock the door and take the phone off the hook.

I turn back to Morice moaning in my chair. "You ruined my life. Betrayed me. Shattered me to the core." I kneel next to him. My hands steady my shaking knees. "I can't sleep. Or eat. Enjoy dinner with a friend."

A fresh round of hot tears flows. Gripping his arm strapped to the chair, I slowly force myself to stand. I have to finish this. I have to. My tongue runs over the salty film on my teeth and I debate whether to spit or swallow.

I bend down next to his blood caked ear. "Remember the first time I saw you?" I swallow with a delight in the taste of my own blood. "I remember."

Morice's scent had excited me before I even saw him. This sexy breeze sorta wafted over me. I spun around and there he was. A magical smile, bright wicked eyes and these amazing muscular shoulders under a faded red tank top.

I had just left hot yoga, so of course, I was mortified at my appearance.

"Hi," Morice said. "How was yoga? I missed it, but I heard the instructor is fantastic."

A thousand clever responses rolled across my mind. "Good," I grunted out.

"I've noticed you," he said. Then he cast his eyes down like a shy child. "I'm Morice and I thought you'd be a good person to ask."

Noticed me? Me? Sexy guys like you never notice girls like me. Just ask my entire graduating class. Ask Brian Brewster. And Tim Trout. Ask anyone. Nobody ever notices me.

"Oh," I stammered. "Ya, I like yoga."

He smiled. "I can tell."

I melted.

He pressed his palms together, making his biceps flex, and touched his thumbs to his heart. "Namaste. Hope to see you around."

"Ya," I choked out.

That was it. I fixed my hair before I went to yoga. Spent money on every color waterproof eye makeup. I memorized the license plate on his black Mercedes. 1JNL489.

Morice always seemed to be in my class. When I saw his perfect body unfold before me, I knew I needed to be with him.

But, Vahn and I were already engaged. He noticed how much I was going to yoga and surprised me with a new mat. Sage green with patterns of the Chakras. He took my tears of guilt for happiness.

He hugged me. "You'll be an amazing mother. I can't believe my luck in finding someone as perfect as you. I love you so much."

I had laid my head against Vahn's chest and let my tears flow.

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