Part 8 "Set Me Free"

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Author's note

there's nothing easy about mending a broken heart.

it's hurts.  Really bad. 

it's hurts so bad that, you might think, if you hurt back-- it'll make it stop.  stop hurting. 

it won't.

Hurt People--Hurt People.

Healed People--Heal People.

you've seen both kinds of people and you know exactly what I'm talking about.  It might be a friend.  Or a relative.  Maybe your aunt, your sister, your best friend.  Your mom.  Or dad. 

you've seen people who take sadness and make it madness.  Because, somehow mad is easier than sad.  You can be mad at other people.  But sad, that's all you.

but the mad, that rage at the person who hurt you, or at the other person who came and "ruined it all" for you-- it can't heal you.  it can't make anything feel better.  it can't make any of the hurt go away. 

poor Cori.  She was so upset at herself for hurting Vahn and fooling herself about Morice, that she was paralyzed in her own hurt.   She kept reopening the wound.  It's like, she put herself in a prison to suffer and she wouldn't let herself out. 

don't let the be you.  You always have the key.  When you're ready, when you feel like your legs will let you stand again, then walk out of that prison.  lock the door behind you.   You can do it.  And with each step you take, it hurts a little less.

a first broken heart is really hard because you took your first chance.  You liked someone a lot.  And you trusted  he or she would like you back.  And it would be perfect.  And fun.  And smiles and secrets and butterflies in your stomach.  It's a great feeling.

and then it wasn't anymore.

it may not be a boyfriend.  It could be a best friend since 2nd grade and then she wasn't your best friend anymore.  She became friends with someone else instead of you.  And it hurts.   A lot.

so, what can you do?  What is the secret potion to making the hurt stop?

i think that's why there's chocolate.  And ice cream.  And sappy movies.  Girlfriends.  And songs to sing to in the shower.  And warm hugs.  Let them hug you.  And let the tears flows.  Sniff and feel all the warm snot run down your chin. 

it's okay.  We've all been there. 

but know this:

you    will     heal.

the hurt doesn't last forever.  It might feel like it.  But I promise you, it doesn't.

find one thing that makes you happy.  That brings you joy.  It's like a honey that seeps into all those cracks in your heart and makes it all sticky and gooey and fit back together.  Bring it into your life.  Again.  And again. 

and before you know it, you'll ask yourself, "wow.  what did I ever see in him anyway...."

I hope you'll check out: 

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