Valerie sings?!

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    Still In Zen's POV
"Well this is an odd timing" I said with sarcasm . She looked at me and said "Please don't tell anybody" "of-" I was about to finish but she interrupted my statement I wasn't annoyed because our parents always did that, "if people find out... well they'll go crazy" "yeah" I said while scratching the back of my head. "May I ask, how did you get your powers? And why you look so different and act so different?" She said she'd explain everything later she was tired because apparently she started fighting in the middle of the night and haven't slept till then I nodded and went back to my room, I actually pinched myself thinking this might be a dream, of course, I only ended up hurting myself.
   Time skip when Noelia, Zen, and Valerie are already ready.Noelia's POV

     I saw Zen waiting for me with a bunch of guys and girls at a bench from the school , Alicia and Valerie were walking next to me and explained to me why no one knew how Valerie and Zen were related she wanted it as a secret, but that's when they started to say, at the SAME time "Zen and Noelia sitting on a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G....." I was annoyed but blushing at the same time I couldn't help it. Zen finally spotted me from the crowd and kissed me passionately, when we were finally done I asked " I thought we were gonna keep it a secret" " not anymore" he said while smirking and that's when he grabbed my hand and once again kissed me. I heard Alicia chuckling and from the corner of my eye I saw Valerie smiling she was covering her eyes though (lol). When we finished we sat on the bench and started talking until the bell rang.

      Valerie's POV

    I was relieved Zen didn't push me to hard and was glad he was a good actor because he was able to hide what happened earlier. At my class of singing I was supposed to sing ; the teacher had us write our names in a piece of paper and she'd chose who was gonna sing because it was hard to sing this song so no one volunteered. I wasn't paying attention much and when that happens I turn into Harmony, when I transform the tips of my hair turn blue that's part of it but sometimes my eyes turn blue like the ocean even when I'm not transformed. At this point I wasn't paying attention I felt my eyes turn blue somehow it was cool I admit but if other people saw this I'd be in major trouble. I stood up in the class as if it was no problem but when I snapped out of it, I felt nervous I felt my blood turn warm really warm. I started to sing ( you can press video)

You shout it loud, but I can't hear a word you say. I'm talking loud not saying much... I'm critized but all you bullets rikochet you shoot me down but I get up... I'm bulletproof nothing to lose fire away x2  ( you get the point )

Once I'm done the teacher looks at me with amazement and so do the other students. They're is no noise except the breathing. Than everyone I mean everyone claps. The teacher says "spectacular you have wonderful vocals you should treasure them" then I walk towards my seat. People that were cooler said I did amazing. I tried to keep my blue eyes from showing I was angry I mean, IF I DIDN'T SING AT ALL WOULD THEY TALK TO ME, NO! WHAT THE HELL FIRST THEY IGNORE ME AND NOW ALL OF A SUDDEN THIS HAPPENS?! I calmed myself down I think I might've growled because my partner looked at my confused, I just gave her a warm smile.

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