14 y/o

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"Where the fuck is he?"

I was sitting at school- the same spot I sat every single morning, waiting for Ray. The thing is, it was late. Like, awfully late. I probably already missed a whole class. It wasn't something Ray would just do, leaving me on my own there without letting me know anything. Something must've happened. Every single possibility ran through my head. Maybe he just overslept. Or he was sick. Or something happened on his way to school. Or he entered the school building via another entrance and left me here on purpose-

I raised an eyebrow and shook my head. I wouldn't allow myself to think of Ray like that. I knew that was not at all what Ray would do. Something /really/ serious must've happened.

I took my phone for the millionth time that morning, checking for any texts of him. Nothing. I told myself not to send him any more texts or try to call him, his phone would literally blow up. Though, I couldn't keep myself from sending one last message. 'I'm going to class, alright? Please let me know something if you can, I'm awfully worried. Xo'

I put my phone in my jeans' pocket and sighed, standing up when the bell rang. I quickly walked to my next class, mumbling a half-assed excuse for being late and sitting in the far back of the room. I didn't let go of my phone all day.

After school I practically ran home. Ray still hadn't texted back, and I was extremely worried now. I ran through the front door quickly and down to my bedroom to quickly put on another shirt, when I heard the doorbell ring. I considered not opening the door, but then again, that probably wasn't a good idea. I sprinted back upstairs and quickly opened the door, freezing in the doorway. "R-Ray?!"

"H-hey," Ray whispered, keeping his head down. "Gerard, I'm sorry, I-" he started, but I cut him off by pulling him inside and hugging him tightly. "Oh my god, I was so worried," I whispered, pressing a kiss to his hair. "Ray, are you okay?"

He pulled back and nodded quickly, running a hand through his hair. "Yeah. Sorry, I, uh..." He mumbled, looking away. "I was sick. Couldn't come to school," he said- I didn't believe a single word of it. I gently took one of his hands in both of mine, looking up at him. "Ray- you know you can tell me anything, right?" I whispered. He swallowed thickly and hesitated before nodding. "Yeah. Yeah, I- of course I do," he mumbled.

"Take a seat on the couch, I'll make you some coffee," I said softly, guiding him to the living room and setting him down on the couch. He seemed so exhausted, so worn out.

I quickly walked to the kitchen and made two mugs of coffee, then quickly walked over to Ray again. I handed him one of the mugs, then took a blanket and wrapped it around him carefully. "T-thank you," he whispered, staring down at his mug. I sat next to him, stroking his hair- I knew that calmed him down.

Ray sighed shakily and leaned into me, closing his eyes. I pressed a kiss to his hair and kept holding him close. Once he relaxed a little, I spoke up again. "Wanna talk about what happened?"

Ray sighed softly and slowly sat up again, though he didn't look up at me. "I, uh- it's not that bad. I basically got locked up in my room."

I raised an eyebrow, looking at him in confusion. "How- how do you mean?" I asked slowly. Ray ran a hand through his hair and looked down. "Uh... My mom. She, well, did it. It's fine- I did a bad thing, that was my punishment," he said softly, shrugging.

"Wow, wow- what did you do?" I asked, frowning. Ray just shrugged again. "Bad grades and stuff."

"And she locks you up in your room for that?!" I asked, getting angrier and angrier by the second. Why would she do that?

"Uh- yeah," Ray mumbled. "Took my phone and all. It was like, in the heat of the moment."

"Do they do things like that more often?" I whispered, my face completely falling when Ray nodded slowly.

Ray had never told me much about his family- and now I understood why.

"Stay here tonight?" I asked him, kissing his cheek gently. Ray sighed and nodded a bit, curling up against me. This boy loved cuddles, damn. I smiled and held him close, nuzzling his hair gently. We kept on talking about anything we could come up with, to get his mind off of it. To make him happy. Ray ended up staying at my place that evening. We had dinner, played with Mikey, and he was going to stay the night. I wouldn't let him go back there that easily.

"Are you sure you won't get cold in just your boxers and T-shirt?" I murmured to a sleepy Ray. He rubbed his eyes and slowly curled up, shaking his head a bit. I sighed softly and got into bed next to him, immediately feeling him curling up with his head against my chest. It made me smile- he was adorable.

"Night," Ray just mumbled, already half asleep. "Night, Ray," I whispered in his ear, then kissed his cheek. He fell asleep almost immediately, occasionally shifting or making a soft noise in his sleep. I ended up drifting off with my arms around him, snuggled up under the covers. I actually felt safe and loved.

What were we built for, could someone tell me please?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora