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"He's taking so long! Or is that just me? I'm just really nervous and excited and oh my god-"

Mikey sighed, taking my hand. "Gerard, calm down. He'll be here soon, okay?" He said, nodding. I nodded as well, taking a shaky breath and glancing around. I was standing in front of the altar with Mikey, waiting for Ray.

I couldn't believe we were getting married.

Mikey was (obviously) my best man. Frank was Ray's, and he was standing at the other side of the altar, talking to some people that were sitting down near him.

My eyes widened when everyone suddenly went quiet and turned around, and I looked at the other side of the room sharply.

It was Ray.

Even though he was wearing a simple tux, just like I was, and seemed awfully nervous... He was perfect.

Ray bit his lip, immediately smiling wide when he saw me. James walked up to him and they linked their arms- it's not like Ray's dad could be here to do it, so he chose James, who would be more than glad to do so.

They slowly walked down the isle, everyone watching them. James was grinning proudly, while lightly stroking Ray's arm to try and calm him down, while Ray seemed to only have eyes for me. Once they arrived, James sat down next to Frank's mom on the front row. Ray stood next to me and immediately grabbed my hand, a wide smile on his face.

"You look beautiful," I whispered in his ear, then pressed a kiss to his cheek. Ray giggled a bit and squeezed my hand, a faint blush on his cheeks. We turned to the front, and I took a deep breath.

I honestly didn't really pay attention to what the pastor was saying, I could only stare at Ray. He was shifting and playing with his fingers nervously, biting down on his lip. I wasn't paying attention to anything else until Jamia, Frank's girlfriend, brought our rings up to the front.

I carefully took Ray's ring, whispering a soft 'I love you' before slipping it around his finger. I could see tears forming in his eyes. Ray sniffled and took my ring, slipping it on carefully. "Forever," he whispered, smiling wide.

"Now..." The pastor continued. "Gerard, will you take Raymond to be your husband, your partner in life and your one true love? Will you cherish his friendship and love him today, tomorrow and forever? Will you trust and honor him, laugh with him and cry with him? Will you be faithful through good times and bad, in sickness and in health as long as you both shall live?"

I bit my lip, smiling wide. "I will," I said, squeezing Ray's hand.

"Raymond, will you take Gerard to be your husband, your partner in life and your one true love? Will you cherish his friendship and love him today, tomorrow and forever? Will you trust and honor him, laugh with him and cry with him? Will you be faithful through good times and bad, in sickness and in health as long as you both shall live?"

Ray let out a giggle, taking a deep breath. "I will," he said shakily.

"I now pronounce you husband and husband," the man said, smiling wide. "You may kiss you groom. May peace be forever with you." And with that, I threw my arms around Ray's neck and kissed him deeply, tangling my fingers in his hair. He giggled and kissed back eagerly, tears trickling down his cheeks.

I was so, so in love with him.

I pulled away and stared up at him, then hugged him tightly, as if I'd never let go. I wouldn't.

"Fuck, I love you," Ray whispered in my ear, sniffling and pulling me close. "I love you too," I murmured back, pulling back to look at him. I gently wiped his tears away, smiling brightly. "I can't believe we did this."

What were we built for, could someone tell me please?Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt