24 y/o

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"You want me to what, now?"

Ray was staring at me from the kitchen, raising an eyebrow.

"You heard me. Pleeeeaaase, baby, I've been taking classes and I need a canvas!" I whined, walking over to him.

Ray snorted and turned back to me, dropping the towel he was holding onto the counter. "Honey- you want to paint me?" He asked, and I nodded eagerly.

"I even got body paint," I said with a shrug. "It's kinda like homework for me. I have to paint, take pictures, and take them to my next class."

Ray sighed and leaned against the counter. "Why me? When is your next class?" He asked, tilting his head. I laughed nervously and pulled a face, looking away. "Uh... In two days?"

He groaned and ran a hand through his hair. "Oh, of course. You know what? Fine. Cause I love you," he said, and I immediately hugged him tightly. "You're the best, baby!"

"I know that," he said casually, then went back to wiping the counter. This would be an interesting afternoon for sure.


"Wow, wait- a shower? Why first a shower?"

I rolled my eyes, pulling Ray's shirt off. "One, I don't want you to smell," I said, making him snort. "And two," I continued and pressed a finger to his lips before he could complain, "I need you to shave."

"Shave?" Ray asked, raising an eyebrow. "I don't have to shower for that, I can just-"

"No, no!" I said quickly. "Not just your stubble. But like, your chest! And your legs." He raised an eyebrow, then snorted and shook his head. "Not gonna happen."

"But Ray-"



"Gerard, stop."

"If you do it, we'll fuck tonight."

"We'll fuck anyways."

"Ugh, fine. True. But Ray-"

"Oh, fine! Whatever!" He groaned, kicking his jeans off. I let out an excited squeal and turned to the bathroom counter, taking shaving cream and a razor. "You're the literal best."

"Stop pointing out the obvious," Ray muttered, stepping into the shower after kicking his boxers off. I giggled and undressed quickly, getting in soon after him.

Ray was standing under the water, his eyes closed and his head tilted back. I froze and stared at him- he looked beautiful. Like... Like a god, or something. /perfect/. More than perfect, even, but there's simply no way to describe it.

"Fucking voyeur," Ray snorted when he caught me staring, grinning. I blushed and quickly got into the shower, setting the cream and the razor down. "You're just too beautiful," I mumbled, turning to face him. Ray just snorted, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"You're one to talk," he whispered, leaning down to kiss me lightly. I smiled and kissed back, eyes falling shut. He needed to shut up already- he was the literal definition of beautiful. No, he was more than that. Way more.

I pulled away suddenly, grinning. "Let's get to work," I said, laughing when Ray rolled his eyes. I took the cream, then turned around and looked at Ray for a few seconds. Then I squirted some onto my hands and started covering his chin and cheeks. Stubble had to come off. Ray just pouted and stood still, staring down at me.

I pulled away and giggled a bit, reaching for the razor. "Looks cute. Nice beard," I laughed, Ray flipping me off. Which, of course, only made me laugh even louder. I reached up and started carefully shaving his jaw, narrowing my eyes and sticking my tongue out in concentration. Once I finished, I did the same for his chest, and then his legs. I stood up again once I finished, staring at him. It was strange, but... /nice/.

"Your legs are so smooth," I mumbled as I cleaned the razor. "Girls would be jealous. Oh! Would look nice in a skirt- wear a skirt for me tonight?" I asked, pouting. Ray giggled and rolled his eyes, glancing down at himself. "Y'know what? I will," he said, and I let out an excited squeal. That was another thing I loved- Ray was so muscly, a little chubby (in the literal cutest way ever), yet he rocked a dress or a skirt and high heels. He probably made every person ever question their sexuality, really.

"Now, let's get to the real deal!" I said with a smirk, getting out of the shower. I grabbed two towels and wrapped one around my waist, then threw the second one over my head lightly. I took Ray's hand while he carefully stepped out of the tub, then wrapped a towel around his body, pressing a kiss to his chest afterwards. "Lovely," I whispered, grinning up at him.

"S-shuddup," Ray mumbled, blushing a little. I giggled and quickly dried off and got dressed. "I'll get everything ready!" I called out before leaving the bathroom, walking to the bedroom and finding the paint I got.

Once Ray walked into the room, just a towel around his waist, I had everything ready: my paint, brushes, a camera, and pictures. I simply motioned to the bed, and he slowly got down on his back.

"Towel off," I said, smirking when he slowly pulled it away. "Good. Beautiful."

Ray rolled his eyes, glancing at the paint. "So, uh... What're you gonna do, then?" He asked slowly. I smirked as I opened a bottle of dark blue paint, taking a brush.

"You'll see soon enough."


"Gerard, I-I'm speechless..."

Ray was standing in front of the mirror, staring at his own reflection. I smirked a bit- I painted a dark sky on him, covered with starts and planets. I even painted some small details on his face: stars, little planets, and made some parts dark blue.

"Can I take my pictures...?" I asked, smiling sweetly. Ray nodded quickly, turning to face me. "Yeah! I- Gee, this is beautiful!" He said again, laughing. I grinned proudly and took the camera, guiding Ray to stand in front of a plain wall. "There, just stand there and be pretty."

He giggled a bit and looked away, occasionally shifting. I took tons of pictures, zooming in on different body parts. "Okay, turn around," I said. "Need the back and the sides."

Once we finished, I made him take yet another shower. Too bad the paint had to come off. I waited in the living room, scrolling through the pictures. I couldn't help but giggle- I loved him more than anything. He was a good damn model, I had to do this more often.

"Hey," Ray said, walking back out of the bathroom. "Hi," I mumbled, not looking up at him. I raised an eyebrow when I noticed he stopped right in front of me.

"What's wro-" I started and looked up, but cut myself off immediately. He seriously put on a skirt. He just stared down at me, smirking a bit. "Like it?"

I nodded silently, staring at him. His shaven legs under that goddamn black skirt and-

Ray sat down next to me, curling up against my side. I smiled wide and shifted a bit, wrapping my arm around him and stroking his hair. Soon enough I put the camera away and gently pushed him down, pressing a kiss to his lips.

"You're beautiful," I whispered, leaning in to nuzzle his neck. Ray giggled a bit and played with my hair, pulling me down next to him.

"Cuddles, fucker," he mumbled, curling up against my chest. I gently stroked his hip while holding him close, and really, I couldn't feel more relaxed than this. 

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