3- Jealousy

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The door hadn't clicked shut before his voice rippled through the room.

"Where have you been?" he asked, his voice stern. When I entered the room properly I saw that he was lying on his back, arms behind his head. He would have appeared relaxed but I could see the strain in his muscles.

"I went for a walk," I replied lazily, pulling off my coat and hanging it in the wardrobe. When I turned back Rhysand had stood up.

"Cassian saw you in the garden,"

"I went for a walk in the garden," I snapped, irritated by the sudden interrogation.

"Taking to Tamlin," he said gently, his voice was too calm. A breath hitched in my throat, I noticed that Rhysand was getting closer.

"I might of stop to say hello," I stuttered, trying to compose my face.

"Don't lie to me!" Rhysand roared so loudly, I stumbled back into the vanity, knocking over a perfume bottle. It smashed on the floor, filling my nose with an awful flowery scent. Rhysand raised his hand.

"Rhysand please..." I begged, retreating from him. He lowered his hands to his side.

"What?" he asked, his voice slightly calmer.

"Don't hit me, I'm sorry I spoke to Tamlin, he was just there and I didn't know what to do!" I hated how pathetic my voice sounded but I couldn't help myself.

"I wasn't going to...I would never..." he stumbled over himself, hurt flashing in his eyes.

"You have before...many times before," I whispered, the memories made me cringe.

"Yeah but Feyre, it was different then...we were different then," pain flooding his eyes.

"Okay," I said, I didn't know what else to say. I couldn't quite read his face. Rhysand reached a hand out to stroke my cheek, I couldn't help but love the warm feeling against my skin.

"You get some sleep...maybe go into your own room tonight," he mumbled the last bit. I hated seeing the pain in his eyes, I took hold of his hand, the warm seeping through to my ice-cold hands.

"I would rather stay in here...with you," I smiled, the hurt faded from his eyes but only a little.

"I like that idea very much, Feyre darling,"

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