5- My Protector

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"Well if it isn't my favourite whore," a voice barked from the other end of the corridor. I didn't want to turn around but I thought it dangerous not to. Sebastian, a man who had been watching me during the party, the one Mor and Amren had warned me about. He was lent lazily against the staircase on the other end of the corridor. It took him only a few strides to reach me.

"Want do you want?" I snapped, crossing my arms against my bare stomach. He reached over and ran a long-callused finger over my cheek, I retreated in disgust.

"Don't you dare touch me!" I hissed.

"O I'm sure Rhysand wouldn't mind sharing his little play thing," he growled seductively, biting his lip. I stared him hard in the face.

"I do not belong to anyone, Sebastian," I spat, but by the look in his eyes he knew that not even I believed that. H reached out to touch he again but before he did, the room suddenly became very cold and the whiff of magic filled my nose.

"I hope you're not disturbing my Feyre, Sebastian," he said, his voice was calm but there was a hard, serious tone about it. I cringed at his use of the word "my". Sebastian smiled at me in response, his argument won. But he turned to Rhysand.

"Of course, not, High Lord," Sebastian purred, bowing low at the waist and then he was gone. Rhysand turned to me with a smile on his face, he seemed proud of what he had done. He reached out to touch my face but I pulled back, the smile vanished.

"What?" he snapped, clearly annoyed by my lack of thanks.

"Nothing. I'm tired, I'm going up to bed," I replied bluntly, I stormed past him, clipping his shoulder as I went. I only placed one foot on the steps before he grabbed hold of me, making me look at him.

"What did Sebastian say to you, Feyre?" Rhysand asked, searching my face for an answer. I tried to wriggle out of his hold.

"I do wish you would stop man handling me, I'm not your....not your play thing," I stuttered, the words hurt me to say them. Rhysand saw it all in my eyes, I wanted to pull away and run upstairs. To be alone but there was no way Rhysand was going to let me go.

"Feyre, if you never listen to anything I say again, listen to this...you are so much more to me than you think you are. I care about you Feyre. You are not just my...my anything, you are your own person. I promise you that," he said, giving me a gentle shake until a smile tugged at my lips.

Hello All, Sebastian is not a character from the books, I just made him up on the spot. Just saying.

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