Chapter 2

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Merry Christmas! I am so happy at the moment, I have been asking for a computer for the past 2 years and now I have a Dell Windows10! I am crying. I can update more frequently now because I always had to wait for mom to get done with it before. -_-  So... here's a Christmas present from me to you all! Enjoy and please lemme know if there's any mistakes, I'll do my best to not make any. Bye!!


The sun was shining brightly among the white fluffy clouds. I was walking through a park. People were smiling and laughing as they ran around playing and lovers were sitting on benches talking in low voices while giving each other an occasional kiss. I felt a pang of longing in my chest. I silently wanted that; someone I could turn to and know they will always be there. The wind blew in my face; my sun hat blew off my head and my purple flowery scarf blew behind me like a dramatic 80s commercial.

I watched as it blew away. Tumbling with the wind on the ground. I started running for it. My brown sandals clicking on the concrete as I ran. Some people looked at me with judgement in their eyes. I didn't care. All that I wanted was my hat. If I didn't bring that home, mom would have my head and declare to the world how irresponsible I am.

The hat tumbled into a bush and got tangled. A sigh of relief is released as I ran to it. I wasn't even 5 feet away when a man appeared and grabbed my sun hat.

I clear my throat as I walk to him. Where did he come from?

"Um, excuse me sir. That's mine. May I please have it back?" The man turned and I stopped walking to him when I saw the yellow eyes. His face was blurred once again.

"Hello love." His voice was low and husky. Oh dear God.

"H-hello. Can I have my hat back?" I reach my hand out to take my hat back. He looked at me before holding it. I grabbed it but his hand shot out and grabbed my wrist. He then pulled me into his chest. "HEY!" I yell.

I try to push him away but he wouldn't let me go.

"What's your name lovely?"

"Why do you want to know?" I say irritably.


"That's not a good enough reason." I push away from him. "Go. Away."

I start to walk away; ignoring the sparks that lingered where he has touched. I rub my arms as I held onto my hat . I all the sudden felt the man come up from behind me. Fear and panic coursed through me.

"What do you want!" I yell as I squirm in his hold. I feel his face next to my ear. His breath tickled my neck and cheek.

"You. I want you." That's all it took for me to faint once again in his arms.

I wake up gasping and completely covered in sweat. My clothes were like a second skin. I look around my room to see that I was still here. The sun was shining brightly through the curtains which were blowing into the room because the doors were opened.

I sit up and throw my legs over the side of the bed looking at the doors. Didn't I close those last night? I rub the sleep from my eyes as I stretch and groan. I stand up and slowly close the doors; causing the curtains to stop their movement.

Looking down I see that I was not in the clothes that I was in when I fell asleep. Trevor or Elijah must have changed me when I was asleep and opened my doors too. I will have to talk to them about that. I walk over to my suitcases and boxes of clothes and pulled out a pair of skinny jeans, brown boots and a state championship dance team hoodie. I brush my hair then made my mop of hair into a decent braid. I walk out of the room and was met with the smells of breakfast and bacon.

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