Chapter 3

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Lunch couldn't come any faster. My pencil and binders were tucked safely in my backpack. My phone was in my bra, so was my lunch money, a pad and maybe a nickel or a quarter. I was starting to get impatient as I watched the arm of the clock take it's sweet time to touch the magical number 55. I start to tap my foot and glare at the clock even more than I was before.

Can't it tell that I want out?! Can it see that I'm miserable here? Elijah was wrong. This wasn't a new fresh start. This was eight grade all over again. Except this time I didn't have braces. Thank God.

40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45... the arm climbed higher and higher with each second that passed. It became almost 5 seconds until the bell will ring...52, 53, 54, 55!

I run out of the classroom as fast as my feet could carry me. I was the first one to zip out of class, through the hallways, down the stairs and the first person in line. The moment that I got there, Trevor and Elijah arrived. They both looked like they rushed to lunch too.

"After you get your salad, we need to talk." Trevor says, "Dad wanted me to tell you something that he had learned at work today and wanted you to know." I raise an eyebrow at his strange and random statement.

"Uh okay." I turn to grab a chicken salad along with the rest of my lunch. As I weaved my way through the hungry heard of people, I start to worry of what Trev and Eli might say about the rumors going around.

I was walking toward them when I saw them both talking to each other very quietly. They both stopped when I came within hearing distance. I sit down with them in our new corner.

"What did you want to talk to me about?"

"Rob was talking with someone at work and they told him a rule that must always be obeyed. No going into the woods. Especially when you're alone. Weird things have happened to people when they go in there." Trevor pauses to take a breath, "One time this boy went in there, he was always clumsy and always stutters. Almost no one like him except for his younger sister and his parents, they adored him. Well anyways, he went in on a dare to prove that he wasn't a wuss and disappeared for three days. No one could find him. It was like he just flew away and never left a trace that he ever entered.

They only thing that they found was his glasses. The lenses were shattered and his family knew knew he couldn't see without them. They almost announced him as dead hen he came back out of no where. He was... different. He was more cold to every one. Won't talk of what happened in the woods. People say it's a miracle that he has grown into a big bulky man and no longer stutters. He scares people even. That all happened just last year. Please don't go in the woods. They are dangerous Ezzy." I nod showing that I heard him.

"Okay, now that that's out of the way. How's school doing?" Eli says in a more cheerful tone verses Trevor's depressing one.

I just sat there staring at the both of them as they look at me expecting an answer. What the actual hack?

"You still haven't told us how school is going." Trevor says. I look at them both fighting back the tears as my eyes start stinging and then the dam broke. Tears fell down my face like Niagara falls while I throw myself into my bother's arms. As I sob into Elijah's shoulder, Trevor rubs my back in a comforting way as Eli rocks me back and forth.

"Trevor, Elijah? Why are you all sitting here? And why is Ezera crying?" I hear a familiar voice speak from behind my back.

"Hello Nigel. How are you?" I turn to see Trevor shake Nigel's hand and then he scoots back near me.

"It seems like Ezzy isn't having a very good start. Probably its because she's experiencing jet lag or is missing our old home"

"Yeah.. that's probably the problem." I say as I pull myself away from Eli. I then sit in my seat that I had been in before.

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