Chapter 4

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"OH MY GOSH!!" I scream as I run to the bed. I grab the puppy that was on my bed. It yipped happily and licked my face as I held it close. It was a big fluffy white, grey and black husky with bright blue eyes.

The sounds of feet running up the stairs could be heard a thousand miles away. I turn to see Rob and Nigel's dad enter. Both of their eyes go from normal to golf ball sized. I hold out the puppy for Rob to see.

"Look! It's a puppy!" I then hug the puppy and smile at Rob. Rob looks at Nigel's dad and stares at him.

"Connor, you forgot to tell me it was my daughter who was being claimed by him." Rob growls at Connor. I raise an eyebrow as I look at them.

"What are you both talking about?"

"Nothing." They both say at the same time. I jump because they both barked it. I watched them as they walked out of my room. What was all of that about? I shrug it off as I turn my attention back to the puppy in my arms.

"I'm gonna call you Fluffy." I poke his nose and then set him on the floor. Fluffy immediately started running around. He tried running into the bathroom but ran head on into the door frame. I laugh at him and then look at everything on my bed.

Where am I going to put all of this stuff? I grab the clothes and made an outfit that I'll wear tomorrow. I then put all of my chocolates on my book shelf since I hadn't unpacked all of my books yet. I then look at all of the roses. Oh Lord. I start walking in circles trying to find a place to put them when I hear a knock on my door.

I look to see Nigel.

"Hello." I say as I start looking around for a place for all of the roses.

"Well, seems like a little Miss. Someone has an admirer." I snort.

"What? Who could it be?" I walk over to Nigel and stand in front of him, "Does anyone know that you are visiting me?"

"So full of questions you are. And the answer to that is no."

"Then why are you here rule-breaker?"

"I came to ask you on a date." I stare at him.

"Like, right now or tomorrow?"

"Tonight, at 7 sharp. Be ready and also be in something warm. I'll be here to pick you up." Without giving me the chance to say yes or no, Nigel leaves me at my door.

I'm going on a date...with Nigel. Why does he want to date me? I'm not super skinny, but i wasn't fat either. I was in between. I shut my bedroom door and lightly close it. I then look down at my self. Is being in a 14 size in pants and XL for shirts considered bad? A lot of other girl's seem to think so.

I sigh and then take the roses and place them on my nightstand. I was picking up the last bundle of roses, when a note card fell from them. It fluttered to the ground and slid across the room on the hard wood floor. Fluffy then ran to it and sniffed it before running from it and diving under my bed. I heard him whimpering.

"C'mere Fluffy. Come here boy. It's okay." I coo. I reach under the bed to try to grab him. Fluffy scooted further away from me.

I gave up after two minutes of trying to get him to come out from underneath the bed. I stood up and walked over to the notecard. Picking it up, I open it and inside the card was a necklace that was taped inside of the card.

It was a sitting down and howling. It was so sparkly that it shined like diamonds in the glow of the light in my room. It was beautiful. I look at the back side of the card and saw in black and beautiful cursive writing.

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