The eyes that haunt me

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A flower cannot blossom without sunshine, and man cannot live without love.
-Max Muller

Kitten - Chapter 1 : The eyes that haunt me

© 2013 Katie

Kittens p.o.v

The morning air was crisp and carried the scents from the human village into my nose. Freshly baked bread and early morning coffee invaded my senses, my stomach let out a mighty roar causing me to groan.

'Tired kitten , hungry kitten..' my kitten muttered in my brain incoherent mixed words, the ones I caught all pointed towards food.

Today I would work in the grocery store, and in return the owner of the store would give me food, it worked out best for both of us because he saved money, and I was able to survive.

Once a week we had this agreement, I mostly stocked the shelves , sometimes I would work check out if he had other things to do.

Humans confused me still, they always came up with new words or phrases, and they always discussed tv shows that I had never seen or heard of.

Television seemed to be a waste of free time to me, when the sun is shining or the snow is falling its always much more fun to be outside.

I soon found myself walking out of the trees into the populated streets of the human village, vendors from various stalls were calling out about their products, it was always the same thing.

"Best hot dogs on the street, two for the price of one today only!" a greasy looking man with an apron on that said kiss the cook, stood over his stall as he held up hot dogs in his hand.

'I wonder if those are the same ones from last week..' I pondered the idea of the greasy balding man actually selling week old hot dogs, lost in my thoughts about hot dogs I didn't see the truck barreling towards me on the street.

Xanders P.o.V

"Xander!" My mother yelled as she entered my room bright and early, I jumped out of the bed as she yanked the curtains open and placed her hand on her hip while looking at me.

"Mom?!" I yelled as I hurried to put some pants on, my mother merely clicked her tongue and rolled her eyes at me.

"Please Xander really?" she shook her head and laughed "will you go to the grocery store for me, I need some things I made a list, your father is in a meeting and.."

I cut her off with a chuckle as I pulled on my shirt "Sure mom, can you make a coffee , ill just freshen up and come down." she smiled at me before patting my cheek, and nodding her head, I watched as she exited my room and groaned as I rubbed my face.

Picking up my phone I sent a text to my beta Nate "get ready, going to store, meet me in the black truck."

Instantly he replied "great shopping duty... alright be right there."

Smiling to myself I washed my face in the bathroom before rushing down the stairs, my mother handed me my thermos with coffee in it before kissing me on the cheek.

As promised Nate was waiting in the passenger seat of the truck waiting for me.

"Dude why do you always drag me along shopping, such a chic thing.." Nate complained sounding alot like a child.

"How about some cheese?" I asked Nate and he raised a brow at me "You know , cheese would go great with that whine you have going on."

Nate's face went red as he shook his head with laughter "Man whatever just drive.." he grumbled in embarrassment , I laughed once more before shifting the truck into gear.

On the ride I decided to tell Nate the story about catching my mates scent, and how I found that little Kitten in the woods .

"maybe its her pet or something." Nate said as he shrugged his shoulders slightly.

"Yea but why does she live in the woods?" I wondered over this since I found the cabin, why was she living in the middle of nowhere.

"Maybe shes a crazy hermit that eats babies.." Nate muttered and I rolled my eyes at him.

"Seriously?" I asked and he shrugged.

"Shit look out!" Nate suddenly yelled as I was looking at him, stomping my foot on the breaks I looked out the window into the big eyes of a very terrified looking girl.

Her hair was a strawberry red , it sat in loose tendrils that curled at the bottom , elegantly framing her petite face. Emerald green eyes stared back at me, the gold flecks within them shined in the early mornings sun.

My wolf howled and jumped inside of me as I watched her, only then did I realize Nate was talking to me "HEY!" he yelled and I jumped slightly in response.

"Go apologize, or something Jesus.." Nate sounded annoyed as he climbed out of the car and went around to speak to the girl. My mind was racing as I too climbed out of the car to see if she was ok.

Kittens p.o.v

The massive black truck barreled towards me, It felt as if I might pass out from terror as I tried to scream, I tried to scream but no sound left my lips. The screech of the tires seemed to drown out the world as I silently prayed for my own survival.

I must have been in shock as I stood there staring into the eyes of the man driving the truck. His intense blue eyes bore into my own , he seemed to be lost as he took ragged breaths. His muscles bulged under his shirt as his hands gripped the steering wheel.

The man in the passenger seat began to yell at the driver before climbing out of the car. As he approached me I could see his lips moving, perhaps it was shock or something else but I couldn't bring myself to fully hear what he was saying.

A ringing noise in the back of my head made me sit down on the ground right in that spot. Both of the men were now standing before me staring down at me.

A few minutes passed as I took deep breaths, slowly I pulled myself to my feet , the men still stood there worry clear on their features.

"Are you okay now?" blue eyes asked me and I found myself nodding as I found myself drawn into his intense gaze.

"Woah I feel like a third wheel now.." the other guy stated in light humor as he rocked on his heels.

"S-sorry... I have to go.." I spoke quickly as I raced across the street to the super market, I didn't leave any time for him to speak to me any further. My mind was racing as I clocked in for my job, the image of those blue eyes burned into my brain.

"Afternoon Kit." Mr.S greeted me as I came out of the back room tying my supermarket apron on.

"Hello Mr.S how are things?" I replied as I stood before him at the counter.

"Good thank you for asking dear, I need you to run the register today, the bank called.. " Mr.S stopped himself and I sighed slightly.

"I wish I could help you get more business, tell you what make me some flyers and Ill hang them up around town." I offered quickly , Mr.S smiled brightly at me, he nodded his head and squared his shoulders.

"You're so right Kit, can't give up." I knew he would understand my meaning , he patted my head as though i was a small child before he made his way to the exit of the store.

I smiled logging myself into the register when the bell sounded at the door, spinning around I smiled "Hello welcome to.." I stopped mid sentence as I realized who had just come in.

"Oh.." I said before spinning back around to the register, my heart thudded in my chest heavily.

"Oh? That's one hell of a greeting." Passenger guy said sarcastically, blue eyes merely chuckled as they disappeared down the isle.

I didn't understand why my heart was beating so fast, just the sight of blue eyes made me feel uneasy. It wasn't an awkward uneasy but more like, butterflies erupted within my stomach.

Shaking my head I turned to see they were already approaching the check out, with what seemed to be the ingredients for cake, or pie.

You could cut the tension that was in the air with a knife as I cashed them out, it seemed like everyone wanted to speak but no one dared say a word.

"That'll be twenty three seventeen please.." I squeaked slightly at the end, quickly clearing my throat to cover my obvious nervousness.

"Are you okay?" Blue eyes peered down at me, he seemed genuinely concerned and his gaze made my knees wobble.

I felt my face grow hot as he leaned in towards me "are you okay, really? your face is bright red." Blue eyes reached out towards my forehead with his hand "do you have a fever?"

With a squeak I jumped back away from his hand "N-no I'm fine, t-thank you." I stuttered as I quickly took the bill out of his hand.

His friend beside him chuckled and shook his head "Oh this is rich, Are you telling your mom or am I?"

The question seemed to annoy blue eyes as he quickly took his change, picking up his bags he looked at me, he opened his mouth but closed it again. Swiftly exiting the building I was left staring after him , my mind wandering on its own once more, 'what was he going to say?'

Xanders p.o.v

"Ohhhh man!" Nate chuckled as he sat beside me "She was hot .."

I growled slightly and he raised his hands in defense, Now that Nate knew I had no choice but to talk to my parents about her.

"Man almost running your mate over the first time you meet her... I thought I heard all of the 'How i met my mate' stories.. Yet you made a new one ." Nate continued with his jokes as I sat thinking about my mate.

Those Emerald eyes staring at me , they held such fear that it would haunt me forever. I barely knew her but I had already discovered one thing, I never wanted to see that look in her eyes again, and I would do anything to protect her.

"Earth to Xander!" Nate hollered beside me and I shook my head as if waking up from a dream.

"Whats up?" I asked nonchalantly and Nate laughed beside me.

"Were here, you've been spaced out for like five minutes. " Lifting my head I looked around to see Nate was indeed correct, chuckling half heartily I pulled myself out of the truck and grabbed the bags for my mother.

"This should be interesting." Nate took this last opportunity to make jokes at my expense before we walked into the house.

my mother rushed towards us as soon as we entered "Took you long enough!" her stern voice made me hang my head in slight shame, if I hadn't nearly killed my mate I wouldn't have been so late.

"He has a good reason Luna." Nate chimed in causing me to grit my teeth, I knew he was going to do this.

"Oh?" My mother turned to me and raised a brow, I grumbled at Nate before sighing at my mother.

"I met my mate.." With that I was whisked away into the kitchen , and forced to share every detail with my mother.

Of course she scolded me for my bad driving, and asked me why I didn't get her name, of course I hadn't thought about it after almost killing the poor girl, and scaring her out of her wits.

I decided to retire early to my room, laying on my bed I couldn't get her out of my mind, the look on her face was sure to haunt me for years to come.

Morning came quicker than I had anticipated, the daily duties hung over my head like a rain cloud as I wandered around in an almost dream like state. Her scent lingered in my nose still, the sound of her voice rang in my ears like bell chimes in the wind.

A sigh escaped my lips as I looked down at the papers on my desk, my father peered across at me and smiled slightly.

"Its weird isn't it?" he asked me suddenly, I peered at him inquisitively and he chuckled in response. "How she invades your entire being, just by one glance." the distant look in his eye told me that he was remembering when he met my mother, a smile graced his features as the memory set in his mind.

"Why don't you go run the border." My dad suggested with a mischievous glint in his eye, he didn't need to ask me twice as I leaped from my chair and darted out the door. The sound of my fathers booming laughter echoes behind the sounds of my footfalls on the stairs.

My wolf took control as I shifted, his paws lead the way to the meadow that I had met the kitten in, her scent was strongest here. Laying in a patch of dandelions lay the tiny orange kitten I had seen here before, sprawled out on its side she seemed to be soaking in the suns rays.

Her loud purring was accompanied by the sounds of the grass swaying in the gentle breeze within the calm meadow.

Kittens p.o.v

Laying in my meadow the sun had lulled my tired body to sleep, blue eyes seemed to haunt my thoughts as much as the wolf I had met in the meadow.

As I dreamed of the blue eyed man and my near death experience a sense of unease spread throughout my entire body, followed by the smell of fresh cut cedar and apples.

Lifting my head I blinked my sleep blurred eyes, a shadow danced in my vision as I yawned and tried to gain awareness.

My eyes adjusted to my surroundings and I mewed in fear as my eyes landed on the yellow eyes that haunted my dreams.

The silver wolf sat there before me , his head tilted to the side as he looked down on me panting as the summer heat spread across his silver fur.

Majestic and beautiful the wolf just sat there staring at me, his tongue flopping about as he panted , occasionally tilting his head at me.

I'm not sure how long I stared at the wolf before I slowly began to walk towards it. I felt my back arch as I approached him letting out a low warning growl.

He merely laid his head down on the ground, crossing his pawns beneath his head as I circled him , trying to make myself seem menacing as I arched my back and fluffed my fur.

The wolf huffed at me in what sounded like laughter, i growled and jumped onto his head biting down on his ear. 'dont laugh at me!' i screamed out in my head as I bit down on the wolfs ear.

Not a single growl left his lips as I slowly began to play around atop of his head, his eyes kept wandering over towards my cottage as the day passed us by. For hours the silver wolf allowed me to prance around on him, as the sun began to set on the horizon the wolf finally stood up causing me to topple over onto the ground.

I mewed at him in anger as I rolled onto my feet once more, slowly the wolf butted me with his nose towards my house. Sighing internally I slowly began my trot towards the cottage, the wolf looked towards my door , his eyes held a sadness I couldn't describe, or even understand at that time.

I watched out the window as the silver wolf stood there for a few more minutes before he disappeared into the trees. Prancing into the bathroom I shifted back and flicked on the lights so I could take a bath.

Xanders p.o.v

Sitting down on my porch after leaving my mates cabin, i sighed to myself in disappointment of not seeing her today.

My father came out and sat beside "You will see her one day soon son, don't give up." I knew my father spoke from experience, when he met my mother she had her brother beat him up twice before she finally gave him a chance to speak with her.

I nodded my head with a small sigh as I felt my father pat my back "All in due time son, all in due time."

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