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Thank you @Ghlbrt For the wonderful image on the side!

I can no longer think of anything but you. In spite of myself, my imagination carries me to you. I grasp you, I kiss you, I caress you, a thousand of the most amorous caresses take possession of me.
-- Honore de Balzac

Kitten- Chapter 3 : Rogue

Kittens P.o.v

After a restless nights rest, I pulled myself out of bed still feeling tired. Today was laundry day, so I gatered up what little energy I had and grabbed my basket.

Once I had gathered all of the clothes in my house I stepped into the bathroom and pulled out my wash board and a bar of soap. I always wash my clothes in the river, walking out the door I stopped once more on the porch to grab a small basket , it held the rope and clothes pins I would need today.

Birds sang songs in the trees as I walked through the dense forest, the sound of running water ahead told me I was close to my destination.

A smile found its way to my face as I knelled down before the river, dipping the wash Wash board into the water I stopped when I felt something watching me.

Turning my head side to side I frantically searched for the source my my unease, in the furthest bush to the east of my spot, a pair of golden yellow eyes stared back at me.

Xanders p.o.v

"Alright , women with children to the left children without parents and adults without children to the right." I commanded using my Alpha tone, today we was training day for the children and females. Even though we do not allow them to be warriors , or even take part in wars, we do expect them to at least be able to defend themselves when we cant reach them.

"Ok now ill pair those of you without a parent or child up together." As I went down the line of unpaired parents and children it made my chest ache to see how many children in our pack had lost their parents to rogue attacks.

I can handle a lot of things when I become alpha , but the hardest thing I still find to deal with is the loss of the childrens parents... Or worse the loss of a child themselves.

"Today were going to practice basic escapes, Mothers, or adults I mean, Will change into wolf and pin down the children lightly. It is your job pups to escape the wolf and make it to the safe house there." I pointed once to the porch and looked down at my clip board, writing down little bits of information.

"Alright go!" A smile spread across my face as the children squealed with glee , pups always found it exciting to do training, since they cant shift into wolves seeing their parents shift always gives them new energy.

A sudden anxious feeling filled my chest, the longer I ignored it the more my chest felt like it was collapsing. Looking left to right I couldn't figure out why I was feeling like this , my wolf was on high alert and angry.

Nate came running through the trees in wolf form, he stopped in front of me as he shifted back to human "Rogues are on our lands, I caught the scent but couldn't find the wolf."

My heart hammered in my chest at this point, my wolf was snarling I tried to control him but at this moment there was no stopping him. Shifting before Nate could finish explaining my wolf took the reigns , his paws hit the ground with heavy thuds as we raced in the direction of my mates home.

That is when I heard the sound, the sound id never forget , her screams filled the forest with terror, the sky seemed to darken with the sound of her fear.

I didnt take time to notice Nate beside me, my feet and nose followed the sound and smell of my mate. Copper filled the air, the smell of fresh blood, the closer I got to the river the more I could hear the wolf growling and my mates sobs, on the  ground there were drag lines where the wolf must have dragged her through the trees.

Pain surged through my heart and my wolf snarled , Coming out of the bushes I saw him, the rogue had my mate pinned to the ground, the only thing between his gnashing teeth and my mate was an old fashioned washboard.

"HELP!" she screamed out once more, her tiny body barely visible under the massive rogue that snarled atop of her.

With a loud howl I charged at the wolf , knocking him to the side and off my mate, her eyes grew wide as she looked up at me.

"You came.." she whispered , I was unsure what she meant or how she had even seen me before, but her eyes held such happiness for my wolf being there that his chest swelled with pride.

Nate snarled beside me bringing me back to reality, the massive black wolf made a beeline for the border, "Get him!" I ordered and Nate gave chase, Taking one last look at my mate I followed Nate into the woods, this rogue would pay for what he has done.

Kittens p.o.v

The yellow eyes taunted me as they paced in the bushes, something deep in my soul told me to run, that this was not the silver wolf from before. Scanning the area with my eyes I picked up my wash board and stood up, i needed to find an escape route.

My thoughts were quickly interrupted by the angry snarl and bark from the wolf, stepping out of the bushes my breath caught in my throat. Easily this wolf was the size of a small pony, his bright yellow eyes only seemed brighter in contrast to his pitch black fur.

His fur was not as majestic or beautiful as the silver wolf, the mats and mud clumped together in odd places , just adding to the menacing look of the beast that now snarled at me.

I took a few steps back and that is when it happened , the wolf lunged at me so quickly I barely knew what was happening. Holding the wash board between me and the wolf , I cried out in pain as his long nails dug into my arms, his long teeth gnashing just inches from my throat, he was going for the kill no doubt.

Fear spread through my body, I didn't want to die like this, or at all if i could avoid it, kicking my feet out the wolf growled at me once more, his teeth sunk into my arm and he tried to drag me off further into the woods.

I cried out once more, my body was starting to go numb from pain, my eyes were drooping but i had to fight. Flailing like a fish out of water i managed to free my arm, but the wolf was still ready to fight , leaping back atop of me he gnashed his teeth once more.

A howl to my left braught me back to reality, all my worries seemed to melt as I looked into the yellow eyes of the silver wolf.

Fury resonated within his eyes, as he stared at the black wolf on top of me, his roar filled the trees as he bit down on the wolf attacking me and tossed him aside as if he weighed nothing.

"You came.." I whispered in all happiness, my wolf had come to save me when I was in trouble. He tilted his head at me slightly before rushing off after the other wolf, I smiled to myself as I slowly began to clean my wounds in the river.

Xanders p.o.v

We had chased the rogue all the way to midnight packs borders, I ordered Nate back to the pack house so that he could call the Alpha and warn him, also tell him if he catches the rogue to bring him to me.

Racing back to the river I was surprised to see my mate still sitting there, she noticed me coming and to my surprise she ran right up to me.

The feeling of her arms around my neck made my wolf let out a sound I had never heard him make, the girlish giggle from my mate only provoked him further as he let out what sounded like a purr.

"Thank you.." she whispered as she scratched my ears lightly "I knew you would come.." she said much more quietly this time.

Her eyes held so much sorrow, but at the same time she kept a smile on her face, I wanted nothing more than to ask her what was wrong, or even tell her she didn't have to pretend around me, but after today I didnt want to burden her with too much worry at once.

I lay there allowing my mate to pet me for sometime before she stood up and gathered her belongings "Looks like im going to have to use the laundry mat from now on..." she looked put out by the idea of using the laundry mat, I let out a low whine and she gave me a forced half smile "It'll be okay."

I followed her home to make sure she wasnt attacked again, once she was inside I made my way slowly back to the pack house, I decided to add her meadow to our list of areas to patrol.

Questions swirled in my brain as I sat on the back porch to the pack house.

How did she know my wolf?
How did s he know he would come?
Why was she out by the river?
why does she look so sad?

All of these questions and not one answer, and I still haven't figured out her name. Glancing up at the setting sun I felt as though I had become closer with my mate, if only by a tiny bit.

The relief in her eyes when she saw my wolf, the smell of her blood in the air. I couldn't help feeling a sense of unease as I looked at along the tree line, my worries for my mate growing stronger with every passing minute.

The rogue seemed to have chosen to attack her because she was alone, and maybe because shes human. What if I don't get to her in time the next time this happens, what happens if she is killed.

I growled loudly at the thought of anything happening to my mate, a chuckle from behind me brought me back to reality .

"I heard what happened from Nate, I contacted the other Alphas and we can hope to bring him in for questioning soon." Placing his hand on my shoulder my father smiled down at me, I knew he was just trying to put my mind at ease so I tried to force a smile in return.

"You should get to know her soon son, the more time you spend without her the more worried you will become, its natural for your wolf to want his mate close by." I couldn't find any words to answer so I merely nodded at my father, my mind was still running with today's images that I couldn't seem to speak at this time.

"Ill tighten patrols and send someone out to the cabin at night to check on her." With that my father stood up and went back into the pack house, I stared out at the trees with a longing in my heart, as I looked up at the moon I let out a sigh.

"Are you looking at the moon too?" the question lingered in the wind as I stood up , forcing myself back into the pack house as my mind and heart stayed there on that river bed with the images of my helpless mate.

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