Cat and mouse

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Chapter 16: Cat and mouse

Lyacon, King of Arcadia was transformed into a wolf after serving the flesh of his son to the Greek god Zeus in an attempt to discredit Zeus’ divinity.


running my eyes over the pile of documents on Xanders desk I tried to see a connection to all of the known locations. Trying to pin point a base of operations for a wolf who just seemed to appear out of thin air was easier said than done.

Just as I let out a small yawn my father placed a coffee on the desk in front of me "Thanks dad." I whispered as I took a sip.

"Any time kiddo.." my father sat there staring at me, he seemed to be taking in every detail that he could.

"Whats up dad?" pushing the files to the side I looked up at him, he rubbed his stubble and sighed deeply.

"Im sorry, for giving up so quickly, I felt your wolf pull away that day, and I just... I thought the worst and I was a coward, I didnt want to see your body afraid of what it would do to me." Placing his face in his hands my father let out another deep breath of frustration.

"Its okay, im here now, and we have a chance to make it right. I will not let Caleb or Deacons death be in vain." I was surprised at the determination in my voice as I spoke, taking another big gulp of my coffee I looked back to the papers before me.

"You're just like your mother." father chuckled as he pulled part of my stack to his side of the table.

"Can you tell me about her?" I whispered as I looked up at him briefly from under my lashes.

He smiled brightly and his eyes twinkled , the memory of my mother at the front of his mind.

"She was beautiful with her fire red hair and green eyes, she was not a tigress to mess with. The first day I met her she attacked me and told me to go away, but I couldnt.." He chuckled as he shook his head "I begged her for weeks before she finally gave me her name, Shala. One day I finally couldn't keep it to my self any more, Shala didn't know I was the king at the time. " He chuckled shaking his head slightly.

"So I called a press conference and confessed my love and dedication to my mate, I pleaded with the people to help me make her fall in love with me." I let out a small laugh looking up at my dad.

"The florists sent her flowers and chocolate, people in town told her how important she was to me... One night she came to the castle, I was so excited to see her and show her what would be our den one day. I showed her the castle and talked to her a bit, that's when she told me why she was hesitant. Shala was abused by a man before, she had never felt love from a man. " letting out a shaky breath my father continued.

"So I showed her love, even being king wasnt enoguh to win her , it took six months after that to convince her she could trust me, and another seven to get her to mate me." we both giggled about it, but I was so happy that he was so patient with her.

"Do you still love her?" I asked.

"Yes." he answered without hesitation, a comfortable silence filled between us as we read over the files of information , I could only hope that Nate and Xander were finding more information than us in the woods.


Nate and I had separated a few miles back, we were currently searching for any signs of kain and his goons. Something wasnt right about the way he managed to get Kitten , the one time she was alone. One of two things were going on in my pack, either Kain has a spy within our ranks, or hes closer than we think.

"Xander, theres a faint scent here im going to follow it ill let you know where it leads." Nate spoke over the mind link.

"Alright im going to sniff by the pond she was at before we decide to head home, meet back at the pond in ten." Nate readily agreed before breaking the link, I have blocked him out more recently because my thoughts were filled with mating with kitten and thats not something I want them to see, the doctor said it was normal for werewolves to feel that way until our pup is born.

snout to the ground I rushed forward , the pond was a few feet away, shifting human I took a deep breath following the faint scent that was somewhat familiar.

"No... " walking over to a bush directly across from the pond, there was a patch of grass that was flattened, like someone had lay here, watching her. Another deep breath confirmed the scent, Spinning around I was ready to contact Nate when a sharp pain erupted in my neck and I hit the ground with a thud.


I followed the scent to an old worn out barn, my wolf was on edge the closer we came to the property.

'stay in the trees' my wolf warned as we walked along the edge.

'We have to get closer' I urged my wolf, he reluctantly agreed, laying flat on my belly I dragged myself closer, trying to blend with the grass.

A snarl was the only warning I had before I was pinned to the ground by four men. I tried to kick my paws out from beneath me as Kain approached me, his eyes dancing with humor.

"Now, now, be a good boy would you." Kains smile reminded me of a snake as he shook the vile of wolfs bane in his hand "Shift or ill do it for you."

Nate shifted almost instantly, he wouldnt let them kill his wolf "Why are you doing this Kain?" I asked wincing as his men bound my hands and feet with silver wiring. "What is the point of this?!"

Kain laughed loudly shaking his head "Non of you know?" he laughed even harder and some of the men joined him, i felt my anger rise and let out a growl.

"Next in line to be king or queen will be born soon, the pup will be given a power from the moon goddess. A power I will have." Kain growled as his eyes began to glow, a clapping sound beside us had me spinning to see what I never thought id see.

"W-why?" my eyes grew wider.

"I told that bitch id get her back, So I get Xander, he gets Kitten and Kain gets the pup its an all around pleasure party." Stacey spoke first as she gave a wicked grin.

"Xander doesnt deserve her, she is mine!" Zain spat as he clenched his jaw.

"w-wait you dont even know her!" Nate growled at Zain wanting nothing more than to tear out his throat.

"I have been back for seven years , always watching her keeping her away from the pack house so that she could be mine!" Zain was pulling at his hair now "She wears his mark , bears his child , shes mine!"

Nate understood now, that zain was too far gone to help , the men surrounding him carried on laughing.

'use the mind link' i told my wolf.

'I c-cant' his wolf sounded like he was choking when he looked down to see a needle in his arm.

"H-how?" he hadnt seen Kain move , he didnt understand what was going on.

"I didnt kill your wolf, but you wont be able to use him for a while, cant have you calling the pack.." Kain paused and a smile overtook his features "AH! Alpha Xander there you are!"

Trying to lift my head as the drug weakened my every muscle I met the eyes of Xander.

"I-im soryy alpha.." I tried to apologize once before darkness took me.


"Dad Ive got something!" I called out as I typed up a bit more on the computer, pulling up a screen I let out a growl.

"Seems that Kain never had a mate, he isnt a full werewolf hes part demon, they arent given mates or able to have children." Pulling up a screen I clicked on one of the ancient urban legends from Greece.

"Demonic wolves are cursed by the moon goddess, mainly people who had become to greedy or power hungry. They made deals with the wrong gods and in turn their wolf was replaced by a demon in wolfs clothing."

My dad rubbed his chin as he read over the computer screen, he let out a low growl because now he understood.

"We just have to protect you until the baby is born, then everything should be okay, messing with a mama wolf and her babies, you need to be a god to survive." There was a seriousness in my fathers tone, I nodded as I spun around back to the computer screen .

"I wanted to know how they would hide a wolfs scent, and I found this.." Pulling up the screen I showed my father a vile of medication , 'Wolfsbane' .

"thats not right that kills the wolf inside of the person." My father leaned over the screen and I sighed.

"Its just like a poision, given in small doses at a time it wont kill , only debilitate, there are different ways to mix poisions so they only knock you out. What if they mixed the wolfsbane with something else and created something to , well put our wolves to sleep ,or in a coma for that matter?" Pulling a box of index cards across the table I began to flick through it.

"You may be on to something, see I knew you were my daughter... what are you doing?" My dad looked down at me just as I found the card I was searching for.

Picking up I dialed the number it rang once and he answered "Hello Alpha Dean here, what can I do for you?"

"Dean, its uh.. Its me kitten I need your help can you come by the pack house like, now?" I bit my lip as I waited for his answer.

"Of course my dear, I will be there in lets say two hours." I let out a sigh of relief and smiled.

"Thank you so much, ive got something interesting that im sure you can help me figure out." she didnt give any more information, but being a cat his curiosity was easily peaked.

"Okay ill be there in one hour." Dean laughed before hanging up the phone, I sighed sitting back in my chair.

"I think hes using the wolfsbane, if I can find a supplier I can find the buyers address, anything." I said as I stood up to face my father.

"Living in the woods and you know all of this?" My dad raised a brow and I pouted.

"Hey ive been reading a lot of books, and I have to do something, being pregnant doesnt mean cripple. " I let my voice lead off in a whine and my dad laughed wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

sitting back down at the desk I began to riffle through the paper work once more. "You and Xander are good together, I really approve , you both work hard for each other and your pack." dad smiled at me before picking up his stack and walking over to the couch across the way.

'Somethings wrong..' My wolf whined and I knew she was right, I tried to contact Xander and couldnt get through.

'its okay he said that he was keeping his block up because of us... you know his thoughts..' I blushed as I told my wolf and she snickered at me.

Looking down at the papers a sudden knock on the door had us jumping up.

"Come in." I cleared my throat as it came out softer than I had meant, the door opened and the last person  i wanted to see came walking into the room.

"ah hello Luna nice to see you, is Xander here?" Zain winked at me with his evil smirk. My father stood up , the power radiated off him  in waves and Zain took a step back.

"What do you need Zain im busy, you are not my beta or my Alpha you can not be in here." walking around the desk I blocked off the stack of papers I was looking at, if one thing is for sure I knew not to trust him any more.

"Okay calm down, I just wanted to say sorry about the first time we met, I honestly called you Kitten because its a stupid nickname I call girls because my friends say it works... I didnt mean to offend you, and I didnt mean to ruin your party." I watched him as he took out a small box and held it out to me, I felt guilty for being so mean as I took it.

"what is it?" I asked still feeling suspicious.

"It was our grandmothers, Xander would have given it to you eventually but, I thought a peace offering?" he smiled at me with a hopeful smile, I returned his with a smile of my own as I opened it.

It was a golden necklace with tiny green emeralds all along it evenly spaced, at the bottom was one larger emerald jewel cut into the shape of a heart.

"wow.." I whispered and he came forward pulling it out of the box.

"May I?" he asked , Nodding my head I allowed him to clip the necklace on , he quickly stepped back and looked my over.

"Very nice." he winked at me , I touched the necklace it was as if it was designed for me, it hugged my neck perfectly like a choker chain , but it wasnt too tight or too loose it was simply perfect.

"Thank you Zain." I smiled at him a real smile, my father came to my side and wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

"You can go now." My father ordered, Zain nodded and bowed keeping a grin on his face as he left the room, stopping at the door he looked back at us.

"Dont forget to tell Xander to call me, I have to apologize for everything and make things right, we are family after all, I found my mate and soon I will take her as my own, so I need to make things right." I smiled at Zain and nodded my head .

"Ill let him know." I watched as he spun around and looked up to my father, shrugging one shoulder he just grunted before going back to the couch and his file.

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