Secrets cant stay secret forever.

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Assumptions are the termites of relationships.
-- Henry Winkler

Kitten- Chapter 5: Secrets cant stay secret forever.

Xanders p.o.v

The new young pup Hawk had beena big help around the house since he arrived only two days ago, he follows my father around hanging on his every word as he tells him about running a pack. A smile worked onto my face as I watched them interact, the young boy had such determination in his heart that I knew he would succeed at anything he wanted to do.

When a wolf says he wants to become a warrior he doesn't normally mean for his pack, True warrior wolves are warriors that guard royalty. I guess we should just call them Guardians but it might insult them as their true titles are warriors.

I scratched my head as I confused myself before finally noticing little Hawk sitting in front of me with his hands folded on the table.

"Alpha says you can tell me a story." Hawk said quietly as he twiddled his thumbs, he seemed less enthusiastic as he was when listening to my father a few moments ago.

"Did he now , alright what kind of story do you want to hear?" I raised a brow at the pup as he seemed to ponder his choices, tapping his chin he tilted his head to the side.

"How  about a story about mates, a sad story." Hawk nodded to himself once as if confirming his selection, i chuckled lightly as I pondered over the stories my father had told me as a child.

 "Once upon a time there was an Alpha wolf. The Alpha was a proud man who deemed himself worthy of more power than the rest, slaying all who dared cross him and did not care who they were man woman or child. He was more beast than man some said, that he did not have a soul. When the Alpha met his tiny little mate in all her beauty he wanted nothing more than to claim her and make her his, the tiny woman refused to take his orders and defied his every command. Unable to take the lack of power and not being able to kill his mate he banished her from his lands.

           Years passed with no word from the Alphas mate even though he had searched high and low, even though she was always there right under his nose in plain sight. When he did finally find her it was in the woods on her packs lands, they said the alpha was coming and none other than his mate appeared out of the woods. He was overjoyed to see his mate and wanted her in his life , but too much pride flowed in his veins and he refused to beg a woman for anything.
            Demanding she leave with him he was surprised to see how strong she had gotten, she had beaten him banishing him from her pack lands the same way he had done to her before. they say he turned feral after that, his eyes were red and his pitch black fur matted and coated with blood. His teeth always seemed to be dripping with foam when he growled, blood faded his vision making him nothing more than a killer.
    One year after his mate had left him cold and alone, the alpha died. When the Luna felt his soul leave this world she threw herself out of a window onto the spiked fence below, the wolves let out a howl of pain for the loss of their Luna, only her howl was not for them or in thanks, it was that for the loss of the one person her soul was torn for, her mate."

When I stopped I looked down at Hawk, his eyes were shining with unshod tears as he seemed to be envisioning the Alpha and his mate.

"When I get a mate, I will always treat her right, no matter who she is .. " Little Hawks cheeks were tinted slightly pink as he puffed out his chest "Ill be the best mate ever!"

"That's right young man, your so sweet come on lets buy you some ice cream!" I looked over my shoulder to see my mother standing there with a kids coat and keys in her hand.

"How long have you been standing there mom?" Scrunching up my brows I spun around to look at my mother, there were tear stains on her cheeks that caused me to chuckle.

"Oh you hush now, that used to by my favorite story as a kid." Kissing my forehead lightly my mother reached down and took Hawk by the hand leading him to the door.

"We will be back in a while, he needs clothes and other things of the sort so im off!" Mother went to close the door when father called out to her .

"Use my card!" my mother grinned wide with a evil glint in her eyes. Mother was known as the shopping devil, father let her use his card to shop because she would always overdraw on her own credit card.

My parents were both good people, mom spent more money on the pack and the pups than she did on our own home. I remember waiting in line one year for a hot dog at my own family barbecue because mother said ' Pack first'.

Looking out the window I decided now would be a good time to relieve Nate of his guard duty, I wanted to show her who I really was and I knew no matter how I felt I had absolutely no choice but to show her soon.

Rolling my shoulders I headed out the door, walking slowly towards the woods as my mind once again became consumed in my little mate.

Kittens p.o.v

   Today was such a warm day, I had been laying here sketching a picture of the brown wolf as he lay near a bundle of lavender's.

I giggled as I drew the picture wondering if a male wolf would be insulted if he had flowers drawn into a picture with him.

The rustling of the leaves to our right caused me to jump slightly, the brown wolf snorted as he stood up and sniffed the air.

My silver wolf appeared from the tall grass, his eyes scanned the meadow until they landed on me, he nodded once to the brown wolf before walking towards me slowly.

Im not sure why but I wasn't afraid of them anymore, the black wolf still haunted me at night but when they were here, it was like nothing could touch me.

The suns rays reflected off the silver coat of the wolf who approached me, he looked almost magical as his moved ever so slightly with the gentle breeze.

"I was wondering when you would get here." I giggled as he lay his head upon my lap with a grunting sound. Reaching out to pet his head lightly I couldn't help but laugh at him, I swear he was purring just like a kitten would, I would know I am one.

"I bet you're wondering how I know you .." I continued at the wolf just looked up at me, reaching out I scratched his chin as I continued.

"Well we have met before, except I didn't look like this." the wolf looked even more confused as he let out a low whine, rubbing his nose against my arm before pulling back and staring at me intently.

"Well ... just let me show you ok?" The wolf barked and spun around in a circle , I swear these wolves are more intelligent than people know.

Standing up I closed my eyes, picturing myself as a Kitten, taking slow deep breaths as I felt myself shrink. Kitten shifters learn to shift early, we can start shifting as soon as we are born because our bones have to stay in practice to get us to such a tiny shape.

Some people say its magic , but sometimes the changing process still hurts, the older you get the harder it becomes to change to your kitten from.

The wolf jumped up onto all four paws, his front legs spread wide as he lowered his eyes so he was face to face with me.

Panicked I hissed and backed away but he kept sniffing me. Quickly I ran to my cabin , knowing the wolf was close behind me , running into the bathroom  I shifted back to my human form and put some clothes on.

I watched as the wolf paced in my room , he seemed excited and anxious as he looked up at me "I'm sorry... Im not a freak or anything I just..."

The wolf snorted slightly and I backed up, he ran out of the house and I felt as though I was going to cry. If even animals thought I was weird I would spend the rest of my life alone, because no one could ever know my secret.

Loneliness crept in on me as I at down on the floor, it was almost like despair had settled into my heart. A sudden knock at the door had me jumping to my feet in a panic, "W-who's there.." My voice wavered slightly as I swallowed the lump that had formed in my throat.

I watched as the door opened, blue eyes.. I mean Xander stood there in a pair of shorts and some sandals. As if I needed verification I peeked around him for the silver wolf, Xander watched me with a curious gaze as I reached out and poked him.

Suddenly I screamed and jumped away from him "How do you know where i live!" I grabbed a pan from on the table and aimed it at him.

Xanders face took on a dubious expression before he pinched the bridge of his nose between his thumb and forefinger.

"You just turned into a Kitten in front of my eyes.."

I studied Xander for a moment and bit my lip "No I changed in front of ..." Stopping mid sentence I let out a slight laugh "Hah.. OH!" I laughed slightly and sat down on the floor breathing a sigh of relief, another shifter...

A bright smile was on Xanders face as he watched relief wash over me , he sat down on the floor across the room from me and watched me with an odd expression.

"why do you look at me like that?" The questioned voiced itself and i Quickly hung my head in embarrassment.

"What is your name?" Swiftly Xander changed the subject and I couldn't help but smile, with a deep sigh I decided it was pretty pointless to keep my name from him now, were both shifters and he knows my secret.

"Well honestly I dont know... but I go by kitten." I could tell instantly by the look on xanders face he was confused by what I said, so I chose now to clarify.

"I have amnesia or something ..." my voice was a bit softer as I spoke, " I cant remember much of anything before waking up here in this cottage, I get a fuzzy memory of my parents when I was small.. but other than that Im not sure.."

Within my ramblings I hadnt noticed Xander work his way across the room, not until his hand touched mine and the electric current flowed through my arm did I notice him.

"Huh?" Was my brilliant choice of words, Xander didn't even attempt to hold in his deep laughter at my wide eyes, his smile was always so sweet that it made me want to smile in return.

"There that's better." Xander spoke softly to me as he tucked my hair behind my ear with one hand. "You look much better with a smile on your face." gently patting my head Xander withdrew his hand from the side of my face, I could still feel the warmth of his touch as I felt myself at a loss for words.

"So Kitten would you do me the honor of coming to my place for dinner some time?" the question took me by surprise , I bit my bottom lip as I pondered over the question.

"Im sorry I didn't mean..." worried I looked up at him before i felt the warmth on my cheek, was I crying? touching my cheek I quickly tried to wipe them away .

"Y-yes ill go to dinner at your house." I spoke in a rushed tone as I took a deep breath, I knew these tears were of happiness, someone actually knew my secret, and didn't question me about it, but wanted to be my friend.

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