3 Is A Crowd

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Jason's P.O.V

I looked at her as she coughed and stayed silent. She wouldn't answer. The thing is, I already know who did it I just wanted to make sure before I kill them. Zoë looked up into my eyes "It doesn't matter who did it because I'm fine and it doesn't hurt." I scoff at her attempt to feed me her lies, ɑs she lays down and uses her hair to cover her face. "I just don't want to eat, okay Jay?" I let out a sigh as I watch Zoë lay down on the bed unhappy and all of my unkept promises to my girl begins to flood my mind, how I promised I would stay by her side and that she'll be completely safe.

"Zoë, do you want me to call the rest of the guys over, its been a while?" I say stroking her hair. Zoë perks up at this suggestion and she cutely nods her head. At least she'll have people who can stay with her. It almost makes my heart heavy knowing and realising that I can't be with her all the time but I try to shake the feeling off. I send them all a message to meet Zoë and they all reply within a few minutes. "Zoë just come down and eat, please?" I watch her as she battles with herself, finally she gives in and nods.

Smiling I pull her up from the bed and hold her hand as we make our way out of the room I quietly take a gun. Opening the door to go to dinner Zoë stops, I look at her with a confused manner. "Put it down Jason." She says quietly. "Put what down?" "The gun Jason. Put the gun down." Oh crap. She saw me. "I need it. It's for protecting you and me" I lie through my teeth and Zoë seems to also catch up on the lie, we both know I didn't need a gun to protect us...I had my bare hands.

"You're not killing anyone today Jason," Zoë insisted and she lightly tapped her foot on the ground constantly to show she was serious. "But she hurt you. She touched you." I replied and for a split second Zoë's eyes softened but quickly returned to their previous state."No killing Jason" she said. I let a frustrated sigh and put the gun back in the drawer and I turned around to look at Zoë "there, happy now?"

"Much happier," she smiled. Danielle doesn't even know Zoë has saved her, for now. As we were going down the elevator I looked down at Zoë how I want to push her against the elevator wall and kiss her right now little did I know that as I was thinking this my feet and my lips were already carrying out the action. "Jason" Zoë moaned lightly her eyes widened as I caught her by surprise. She kissed me back and the feeling of her soft lips against mine made me want to go further. My hands started to roam her beautiful body and she wrapped her arms around my neck and giggled slightly, just as I was about to go further the elevator stopped.

As she pulled away I rubbed my nose slowly against in an Eskimo kiss and she sighed happily and smiled. The elevator doors slowly opened and my hand laced with Zoë's. We walked out together and went to the dining hall. When we entered the room everyone stopped their activities and stood on their feet as we made our way to our seats. I quickly had a look at Zoë's face, she was so frightened, I gave her a reassuring squeeze and when we got to our seats I gestured for everyone to take their seats.

The hall was soon filled with voices, talking and laughter and Zoë felt at ease. Soon enough the first course was brought in and everyone began to eat...except Zoë. "Do you not like the food babygirl?" I furrowed my eyebrows in concern "I can have the chef make anything you'd like" i offer. She raised her head to meet my own but something caught her eye and she quickly looked back down. I looked up to see what it was. Danielle. I inwardly groan as she sat down next to me. Her perfume was so strong it was attacking my lungs, I could taste it. I slowly moved towards Zoë who had started eating a little but you could tell she was uncomfortable.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2017 ⏰

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