Farout High

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     My name is Jazmin and this is how the group Afrotastic came to be!! This is my first day at Farout High it is not going so well!!! I really don't think I look like I'm from the 1980's. I mean I have a afro and all but seriously!!!! This is how I look: Brown hair, brown eyes, round face, bushy brows, and long lashes. In my opinion I do NOT look like one of those dance crazy afro jazz people. (even if my name is Jazmin).

      So I walk in and..... BAM!!!!! "OUCH!!!" "Hon, watch where your going!" says a girl with a face with sooo much make up she would have out done a clown. "Ack!!" "What is that on your head a rats nest!!?" "Sorry to ruin your dreams but its an afro if you had enough brain cells you could figure that out" I say. "Oh?" "Hon isn't that thing wait what do you call it! oh I almost forgot an afro! from like the 1980's?!" Ok that is cutting the limit I am going to stuff that pretty little head in a toilet!!! " Yah it is got a problem with it sweetie in case you want to know the library is thataway maybe you can learn someting about the history of afros" I say. Ooh that girl has some nerve!! To talk about my fro like that even if I don't like it doesn't mean she has to not like it. Maybe I should eat some chocolate to calm myself.

      "AIEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!" "WHAT THE....." "WHO ARE YOU GET OFF OF ME DON'T TOUCH MY CHOCOLATE!!!" I yell "Jordan get off of her" this blonde says. "But Jaelynn she has chocolate!" "What? Who are you people and you whatever your name is don't you touch my chocolate or so help me!!!" I yell. "Hush!" the blonde supposedly name Jaelynn says. "YOUR TELLING ME....." Ooooh' I whisper. "Children, children never fear Mrs. Sméagol is here!" "Please tell me its just a coincidence that her last name is that creepy dude from the lord of the rings name!" I whisper. "Not really" Jaelynn whispers back. "BTW she looks exactly like him except the afro" "Wait WHAT?" I whisper back. "My precious is something wrong Mrs. Sméagol is getting old she can not hear her precious" she says from behind. How the flip did she get there! I slowly turn around waiting for her to attack me or jump me .

Instead of going into ninja mode I turn around and throw up. The whole time I'm thinking that was very heroic. That was a total epic fail I was planning to do some backflips land punch her in the face and send her flying if she started getting creepy. But she was so skinny I wouldn't have had to done much. One really creepy thing was her afro looked exactly like mine. Just by looking at her shug that afro should be dead not all beautiful like mine! The only good part of the day was when Wendy (A.K.A Mrs. Priss) slipped in my throw up!!!! Only because I accidentally broke the janitors mop . Hey no one told me throw up breaks mops! 

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