A Room Full of Nobodies

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    "WHAT THE FLIPPERNICKEL!!!!!! JORDAN WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE JAELYNN YOU TOO WHO ARE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????????" Anger enveloped me. They had no right to barge into my room especially not look through my window like stalkers.  "Quiet down!!" Jaelynn whispered annoyed. That made me even angrier she was telling me to quiet down in my own room. "Quiet down your telling me to quiet down!!!!" I hissed angrily. "Somebody might hear all of us!" she whispered. "what do you mean all of us???!!!" I whispered suspiciously. "We kinda brought the whole gang to you" she said nervously. "JUST GREAT!!!" I yell. "shh!!" she whispers nervously. "your telling me to shh and there's what 7 people in my room and I barely know two of them!!" I whispered loudly.

    "Why the world are you people here i'm sorry but I i'm busy being sad and happy at the same time! I whisper annoyed. " Look Jazmin i'm sorry for being born too but this is really important that you don't go ninja on us!" She whispers. "Or throw up" someone whispers. 2 or 3 people snicker. "I heard that!" I say loudly. "shut up Nabriya!, hi i'm Abby" says a girl with wavy black hair apparently Abby. "I'm not sure if I can trust you people yet so get out of my house" I mutter. "We heard that Jazmin." Jaelynn says. I turn beet red though i'm not sure if I can do that. " Jazmin yes you can trust and about the getting out of the house part sorry that we just can't do" That really ticked me off I'm already having trouble with my so called 'family' and I know I sure didn't need this. Being in a room full of nobodys was a problem already (especially when its your room!) But them telling you, you have to deal with it now that was crossing the line!!!

     "I'm sorry but i'm going to have to tell you to leave!" I say loudly. "wait your going to ask us to leave or are you actually telling us to leave?" a brown haired girl asks. "I think its obvious!" I say angrily. "I hope all of you know that your invading my private space so therefor I can call the po po on you!" I say. "We all knew that Jazmin but we trust you not to". says the same brown  haired girl. "You don't even KNOW me!!" I scoffed. "So miss know it all whats your name?" "Eboni Brown as a matter a fact got a problem with?!" "As a matter of fact ye-" "WILL YOU GUYS JUST SHUT UP!!" Jaelynn shouts angrily. "Ditto!" Abby calls. "Are you telling me to shut up, you probably woke up the whole county right now!!" I snapped. "Jazmin we have something to tell you your not normal but-" Jaelynn starts. "WHAT is that what you came to tell me THAT I'M NOT NORMAL thanks for reminding me pal!!" I yelled. Then I did something I can't explain.

     I stood up then my hair grew really long no joke! It grabbed all of the girls by their waists screaming out the window that they came threw and slammed the window shut. My hair then went back to its normal size. I stood their frozen in horror proccesing what i'd just done, waiting to see if the girls would come back but no one did. I could feel the spagetii I ate just tonight rise in my throat. I ran to the bathroom and threw up in the toilet watching the vomit get sucked in the toilet. I looked in the mirror I looked terrible my eyes were watery and my face was blotchy and red from all the yelling I had done, but my hair, it was still perfect after everything that had happened. My stupid cursed hair was always perfect always clean, pretty, and combed out. Hey I can't complain though the thing was a pain to comb through. But terrible just wasn't the right word more like... FREAK. Ya thats what i am a freak. I proccesed everything that had ever happended in my life lets just say alot of weird things had happened in my life. I slowly took a step back yes...... thats what I am a freak. The word repeated its self over and over in my head.

     What I have I done!!? I had just ruined my chance of making friends with those girls but of course I ruined it!!! No I didn't ruin it my AFRO did. If it could have done what regular hair would have done sit there and do nothing I could have eventually calmmed down because I was really ticked at that time. My face felt like it was on fire!! It was all because of my HAIR  I couldn't believe it I always told myself my hair is alive because it felt like it but then I would laught it off and tell my self to shut up. It suddenly dawned on me that Jaellynn was right I really am not normal. Saddened that anyone would say that I ran to my room with tears streaming down my face. And swore that I would shave my head as I slammed the door and fell on my bed sobbing. No i'm not normal I thought. I'm a Freak.





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