Mrs. Smeagol + Wendy= Evil

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     "WENDY!!!" I screeched. Tripping over her arm and doing something close to a forward roll. "Thats my name say it one more time girl." She said. "WHAT THE HECK!!!!!!" I was seething I was this close to punching her lights out. "Sugar ever heard of makeup cause you need some." She replied. "You know what?!" I said getting up and wiping the dirt off my sweater. "I'd rather not go to school looking like a clown 'hon!" I said mocking her. Her pale face turned pink. "You little fa-" Wendy started but Mr. Kelp stopped her. "JAZMIN GET IN YOUR SEAT NOW!!" he yelled his ears turning pink from all the energy put into his yelling. I scurried to the back row where my seat was. I could hear Wendy and her croonies laughing behind my back. My blood pounded in my ears. I'm going to get you Wendy I thought giving her back a glare before turning away. But it turns out that Mr. Kelp would do it for me. "AND YOU YOUNG LADY WITH TOO MUCH MAKEUP!!!" He roared. I snickered. "DETENTION FOR TRIPPING THE YOUNG LADY IN THE BACK!!" He roared again everybody turned to look at me. I waved and smiled but nobody waved back. "Just great" I muttered. "now everybody's going to be mad at me for getting Wendy detetion, what idiots!" I muttered angrily.

     I sat in the bus feeling miserable yet happy. Good think those girls aren't on my bus I thought. I'll tell them today that i'm sorry for everything that happenned last night. I closed my eyes briefly to think of how to say sorry to them then "OOHF!" I exclaimed something hard hitting me then splattering on my jacket. "WHAT THE @%$#!!!" I yelled as I saw an egg yolk running down my jacket, an egg how nice I thought. I looked up to see everyone staring at me with suprise and humor. I then looked over and saw Wendy and her clique shaking with effort to hold their laughter in. Noticing then that I had cussed out loud I covered my mouth. I looked over at Mr. Kelp to see if he had heard me and just my luck he did. Mr. Kelp was litteraly shaking with anger. "Who did that" He said calmly but angrily at the same time. When nobody answered he roared "I said!" His voice rising on every word. "WHO DID THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He roared again. Nobody answered so he said "Detention all of you Ms. Jones and Ms. pacfayer get an extra day" He yelled then drove away from some random kid's block.

     TWO DAYS!!! I thought. You have go to be kidding me I already had detention on the first day of school why the 2nd and 3rd to!? I sat there gloomily staring out of the window. Please after school detention to get away from my sister I thought. Mabey I should ask him. "Umm... Mr. kelp" I said. All of asudden everybody looks at me in shock and wait what is that respect! I shook that thought off nobody would be stupid enought to respect a freak like me. I cleared my throat and tried again. "Uhh Mr. Kelp I have a question!" I said a little bit louder. He continued bobbing his head to some kind of country music wait was that Taylor Swift!!! I shook that thought off to because that was just to creepy to think about. " Mr. Kelp!!!" I say louder. Surely he'll hear me this time. No such luck.

      I take a deep breath preparing myself to yell. "MR. KELP!!!" I yell. No answer he did not just do that to me. Did he seriously not hear me everyone on this dang bus heard me and he didn't. I'm sure the other bus heard me because they kept looking over at us with a expression that said what the heck? "MR. DANG KELP TAKE OFF THOSE STUPID HEAD PHONES AND LISTEN TO ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I yelled histerically. He took off his head phones. Uh OH!! He had to hear me when I yelled that time. I sad there nervously fidgeting with my ring that my grandma gave me before she died. I remembered her saying something like only use this when you absolutley need it its dangerous and powerful. Must be grandma stuff, huh! "MS. JONES MIND EXPLAINING WHY YOUR YELLING SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Mr. kelp yelled his face and neck turning red. "Umm... I was umm... trying" "MS. JONES SPIT IT OUT NOW!!!!!!" Mr. kelp yelled again making his face and neck even redder. "I I was trying to get your attention sir." I said my eyes not meeting is penetrating gaze.

     Wendy started copying me makeing alot of people laugh then they covered their mouths and looked over at Mr. Kelp to see if he saw but he didn't because he was to focused on me. "SO TO GET MY ATTENTION YOU YELL AT ME I'M A TEACHER FOR GOODNESS SAKES!!!" He yells spit flying everywhere some landing on wendy. I duck under the seat for a moment to regain my posture. "Sir you were'nt answering me thats why I yelled at you and i'm truly very sorry" I say in a high pitched voice trying to mocking wendy. Some people start to laugh but wendy gives them the evil eye. Mr. Kelp nods before turning away and opening the bus's doors so we can get out. Hopefully I have all my stuff. Mrs. Schaner's homework, check. Mr. Jordan's homework, check. Mrs. Smeagol's homework, zip. Shoot!!! My homework for her must've flew out of my back pack when I was running after the bus!!! "Ms. Afro are you going to get off of the bus or sit there?" Some guy asks. "Whateve" I grumble and get out of my seat and walk down the aisle with my head down all the way to the school. "Hey watch!" Says the same guy that asked me if I was going to sit on the bus or stay.

     I turned around and studied his features. Blond wavy hair, bright blue eyes, nice tan, atheletic, you name it. Classical I thought and turned around. "Hey wait!" He called. I turned around again. "What do you want your going to make me late for class!" I exclaim. "Then why'd you stop for me?" He's says smiling. I blush. Angry that I blushed. I say "Its MY buisness what I do so can you please get out of the way!!" I replie annoyed. He smirks then says. "Geez what temper" And walks away. I stare at him as he walks past me. He catches me staring at him and winks at me. "mierda!" I say under my breathe and walk up the stairs, unprepared for what was about to happen. When I walked in Mrs. Smeagol was doing roll call. "Jazmin" she said in that creepy voice adding a whole bunch of s's so it sounded like this, jassssmin. "Here!" I called in a squeaky voice.

     "I ssssssssee our littles girl dessssided to turn ups when hersss name wasssssss called" She said making lots of people laugh. I clench my hands and sit down. "Do youssss haves yours homework ssssssssweetie?" She hisses. "no ma'am" I mutter. "Whass that's I can't heres youssssss!!" She says loudly. Wendy starts copying me with her head down and muttering "I'm sorry Mrs. Sméagol Its not my fault I'm stupid!" She says mockingly and starts guffawing with her clique. Funny Mrs. Sméagol doesn't seem to hear her!! "No ma'am!" I say loudly. "detention for raising your voice at the teacher" Mrs. Sméagol says. Then walks dramatically back to the front of the room and finishes roll call. 


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