My so called 'Family'

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     After I threw up I got detention for breaking the janitors mop and not cleaning up after myself. They didn't buy my story that I didn't break the janitors broom the throw up did. They looked at me like I was crazy and I was starting to think I was! I know that its not normal to think your hair is alive but it sure felt like it no matter what happened my Afro was just fine it stayed in the same stinking place! At least I made two friends, Jaelynn and that girl Jordan still not sure about her because she attacked me over my chocolate. I can kinda see where that came from but still, we're in school lets all at least all try to be normal. Even though for some people I can see that's hard! (Jordan)

     When I got home my parents yelled at my but that wasn't the worst of it my big sis usually has a lot to say when I get in trouble. When she came home I hid in my closet like a wimp. I had a bad day so I really didn't feel like hearing her lip. "MOM DAD I'M HOME!!" Crystal yelled. "shoot" I grumble. I heard her loud footsteps walk toward the kitchen. I put my ear against the door to listen to what they say.  "Hey sweet pea" my mom says warmly. "Mom never talks to me that warmly" I grumble again. "Oh I wonder why oh now I remember parents always love the first child the most don't they?!" I say sarcastically. "They never get it do they, they never get it they think they're doing the right thing but its always wrong!" I huff.  

     "Hey sweetie" my dad says. "Did Jazmin get in trouble AGAIN?" Crystal said. "How'd you know?" my mom asks. "'Cause she's not here" she says. "We just don't know what to do with her" my mom sighs. "We raised her like you were raised I just don't know what's wrong...." her voice trails off. I noticed she left off with her. I thought angrily. I couldn't take it any more talking about me like I was the problem keeping them from having a normal happy family. So I stood up and walked over. "I heard all of you talking about me thank you for making it clear that you don't appreciate me, I'm sorry for ruining your perfect family" I say angrily and stalk off . What really got me was after I ran off to my room no one came to talk to me or at least yell after me that they were sorry.

     I guessed that maybe they really didn't need me. Or maybe I'm becoming delusional.  That thought made me smirk. Delusional, huh yup maybe that's it. I don't know why I just all of a sudden started cracking up. For some reason its hilarious me delusional!? While I was busy loling somebody appeared at my window.






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