Edmond's P.O.V.

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     I walked into Mrs. Shaner's class and took out my homework. "Class turn to page 62 in your English book we will be learning about punctuation since apparently some of you don' t about it and your in high school!!" She says trying to yell over all the commotion of high school students acting like baboons trying to see who can shoot a spit ball the farthest. I reached to pick up my English book but drop it then fail horribly at trying to lean over my desk and reach and I fall. My arms flailing I feel face connect with the floor. My nose bends in a odd direction I can feel tears come too my eyes  it push them back. "Hey look everybody 'Edmond Dantes' messed up what an honor this is, so your really not perfect!!" Justin Jacobs jeers cracking his knuckles in delight his sidekicks start laughing like hyenas. Then everybody else cringes and gives me a sad look like I'm so sorry what kind of flowers would you like on your grave? I sigh why did I even drop the darned book in the first place?! I'm not trying to brag but somehow I manage to be a perfectionist. My schoolwork is always the best. I'm the best football player and basketball the player on the squad.

     Now lets talk about my mortal enemy Justin Jacobs. He's big not fat, muscular big. His muscles on each arm are as big as my head. His legs are thick and sturdy. His stomach six pack abs, typical right now people are probably thinking he's going to have a perfect head and face to go with it, not quite.  His head is flat like a brick, but his face ooh! Make fun of his face and you'll kissing the world bye bye!! Its pretty hard not to though but if you look at the size of his fists you'll forget what you were about to say about his face. One of his eyes are higher than the other and his nose looks like its been broken a thousand times and permanently turned to the left. Justin also has a really bad case of acne like it looks like his was attacked by tracker jackers! (Yes I read The Hunger Games, but that's not important) Okay now I need to think why I dropped the book. At the time I had dropped the book I had been thinking about that chick with the fro. I don't no why I was thinking about her because I sure don't think about Wendy!

     All of the girls in Wendy's group including her look like clowns with WAY to much makeup. I don't understand why I would think about the chick with the fro. You know what I'm just going to call her afro queen because the chick with the fro is to much work for me to say! So, anyways afro queen is gorgeous. Wait, WHAT!! Edmond what are you saying you just met her snap out of it!!!! While all of that was going through my mind I heard a bomb go off right in my ear!!! "AAAH!!!!" I screamed and jumped out of my chair went under the desk and put my hands over my head I did all this with my eyes closed, stupid me. All of a sudden I heard people start laughing. Cautiously  I came out from under my desk. And to my despair everyone was laughing at me. "shoot" I grumble and climb back into my seat angrily glaring at anyone who dared to laugh at me or even look at me. Mrs. Schaner glared at me from across the room. I sunk down in my seat in shame. "Mr. Dantes" Mrs. Schaner said coldly. Everyone howled with laughter. She glared at everyone and they shut up then she continued. "May I ask why you are interrupting a vital lesson. "dantes isn't my last name" I mumbled. Her eye brows furrowed.

     "What was that Mr. Dantes?" Mrs. Schaner said emphasizing dantes. Justin snickered and Mrs. Schaner gave him a look of disgust then turned and faced me waiting for my to reply. I knew she heard what I said she but I knew she wanted to know if I would dare repeat what I said an embarrass her in front of the class. But I knew that would earn me a one way ticket to OSS (Out of school suspension) But I said it anyway. "My last name is Dell ma'am not Dantes" I say quietly but loud enough so everyone can hear it. People give me surprised looks because they can't believe I was talking back to her. Her nose flared and she turned red in the face and neck. "Mr. Dantes see me after class until then" she said averting her gaze from me and turning it to the rest of the class. "We shall continue are lesson with NO interruptions isn't that right sir Dantes?!" She says purposely using my WRONG last name ignoring it I say, "Yes ma'am" "Good!" She reply and turns around to finish what she writing on the chalk board. BTW this school is the oldest school in history we have no electronic stuff in out school none!!! The students and teachers have phones but electronics for school forget it!

     "So much for Mrs. Schaner being my fave teacher" I mutter to myself in annoyance. " What was that Mr. Dantes?" Mrs. Schaner says her piercing gaze on me. Just great I think. I swear that woman has ears like a hawk!!!! "Nothing ma'am!" I say quickly trying to tear away from her deathly gaze, if looks could kill I would be dead right now which would really suck. "Mr. Dell sit up!" she says strictly just like Professor McGonagall I think. (I read Harry Potter too also not important) "Yes ma'am!" I grumble. "Teacher's pet huh Dantes? Well not anymore!" I hear him whisper across from me I can smell the stench from his mouth and bring my shirt up to my mouth and turn to glare at him and was about to say a smart come back when someone walked in. "Umm.... I have a note for Edmond Dantes?" Afro Queen said. The whole class burst out laughing except the people who felt sorry for me. But all I could think about was that's the girl who I was thinking about, I wonder who the notes from? I thought. "Mr. Dantes please raise your hand" Mrs. Schaner says looking straight at me as if challenging me to say that my last name is dell not dantes. I raise my hand. She turns to look at me and a look a recognition passes over her face then is replaced by a look of annoyance.

      She must still be angry at me for bumping into her and teasing her for it, I suddenly felt disappointed wait why am I disappointed?? Because your in love with her you dummy!! Wait what who are you?? Your conscious silly I'm here to help you Your not really helping me anyway I don't like her I just met her!!! Oh yah well guess what you liked that goth girl last year and you just met her!!! Well.... she was different Yah and how different is this one!! Has your mom ever told you not to talk to strangers much less fall in love with them!!! Actually this one is very different and yes my mom has told me not to talk to strangers *scoots down in seat* Sigh! your hopeless how can you be Edmond Dantes!!! For your info I'm Edmond Dell not Edmond Dantes and why am I arguing with my conscious!!!??? Same difference!!! This is insane!! Your the one who's insane!!! Wait now you can help me she's coming over to hand me my note *waits expectantly for advice from conscious* "So your going to leave me when I need you most remind me to get a new conscious!" I grumble.

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