16. Promise me.

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Songs for the chapter:

Consoul Trainin - Take Me To Infinity

Duke Dumont - Ocean Drive

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I woke up from the flashing light that flashed in my closed eyes. I growled discontentedly and tried to ignore what has happening around me, but my tries were unsuccessful.

"Damn it, it should've been off." I heard Justin's quiet murmuring, which made me turn. Slowly, I opened my eyes and looked at him. He was sitting next to the bed and there was a camera in his hands in which screen he was looking at. 

"For Goodness sake, what are you doing?" I asked him discontentedly and rubbed my eyes. "Are you taking pictures of me?

In the moment Justin heard my voice, he hid the camera behind his back, putting a shy smile on his face that made me understand that I was right. I knitted my eyebrows and sat straight on the bed. 

"You know I hate, when people are taking pictures of me." I murmured discontentedly, still getting used to the light in the room.

"I know, yes.." He agreed with me. "But I just wanted to take a picture of you."

I once again knitted my eyebrows and Justin so fast pulled out the camera from behind his back, and took one more picture of me, that I didn't comprehend when he did it. 

"You gotta be kidding me." I grunted and stood up from the bed, walking to him. "Give me this thing." I stretched my hand to him, trying to get the camera. "Give it to me!"

"I won't give it to you." he stuck his tongue out to me, rising even higher his hand.

I stretched myself up again, standing on my tip toes, but Justin drew back his hand. I growled and jumped, trying to get the damn camera from his hands.

"Give it to me, for fuck's sake!" I cried out, jumping again and again.

"No!" He laughed and before I realize it, his free hand took both of mines, taking them down. He pulled me sharply to himself and his hot lips connected with mine. I was shocked for a few seconds. It was like my body and mind couldn't function right.

Justin's hand let go of mine, sliding it over my back, pressing me to his body. I heard a quiet bump and a little after that his other hand touched tenderly my cheek. Our lips moved in sync. For a moment electricity went through my body, making me shake lightly, even if it sounds so cliche. 

Through the last few months, I completely forgot what his lips touch felt like, what was the feeling to feel them against mine.. I completely forgot how he was able to make me feel like I'm burning, how he was able to make me feel wanted. And for the last few hours I managed to recollect twice this amazing feeling that made my whole body wake up from desire to have him. 


Gentle breeze crashed into my face and waved my hair, making me sigh again. I looked down at the empty sheet on my knees, then forward again, where was the beautiful beach. There weren't many people around, but they were enough to make the place somehow alive. Personally, I've been here for about two hours. I stayed sitting on the sand under a palm tree and tried to paint, but I was stuck on blank page during these hours. My thoughts weren't here, they were somewhere else entirely. I sighed again. 

I could still feel his lips on mine.

Recalling again the story of a few hours ago, my whole body shivered. 

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