20. She left me..

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Song for the chapter:

Justin Bieber - Flatline

"When I know you probably think it's a lie and I know I told you last time was the last time.. How could you pull the plug and leave me flatline?"


Justin's POV:

I crossed the threshold of the house still slightly pissed. On the way home I succeeded in calming myself, but it wasn't enough. I shook my head and sighed, taking off my shoes. I loosened the tie around my neck and looked around, searching with my eyes for Malika. 

"Malika?" I called out, but no one answered. Strangely, there wasn't even any sounds in the kitchen where she usually is. Maybe she's showering?

I raised my shoulders and decided on checking upstairs. If she is under the shower, I won't mind joining her. I definitely need a hot and calming shower after such a hard day in the office. 

Walking in the bedroom, my eyes widened, when they focused on Malika's figure. She was taking clothes from the wardrobe and throwing them in the suitcase that was on the bed. 

"What are you doing?"I asked her, dropping my brief case on the floor and nearing her. She didn't even turn for a second to look at me and just continue throwing clothes chaotically in the suitcase. "Malika, stop." I told her, trying to catch her hand, but she jumped aside and lifted her head. Her eyes met with mine and in the moment I saw them, it was like someone stabbed me with a knife in the chests. They were red, swollen and tears were coming down from them. 

"Don't touch me!" She screamed in my face, taking a step backwards. 

"Why? What happened?" My eyes were going all over her face, trying to understand what had happened and why Malika was acting like that. She just laughed ironically and shook her head. 

"Don't act like you don't know what happened!" She shouted again. "You promised me! You promised me that this time everything's gonna be alright!" She continue. "But the fault is mine, too. I shouldn't have trusted you, knowing that you never keep your promises." She shook her head.

"Malika, stop!" I took her hand, stopping her from throwing another cloth in the suitcase. "Explain me.. what happened?"

For a few seconds we just looked in each other's eyes and she didn't answer my question. Then she sharply drew back her hand and put it in the pocket of her jeans, taking out her phone. She unlocked it and pushed it in my face.

"Does this explain enough?" She asked me, this time talking more quietly. "You promised me, Justin.. and you broke your promise again." She was talking, while showing me a video of me and Abigail from earlier. 

"Malika, let me explain.. It's not what it look like, I swear!" I took the phone from her hand and threw it on the bed. She just chuckled. 

"It's not what it looks like, huh?" Another chuckle left her mouth. "Then what is it, Justin? Because I don't see in what other way I can explain this!"

"Malika.." I murmured, but didn't continue. I took a deep breath and tried to collect my thoughts. "Let me explain this to you. Nothing happened, this is just a trap.. One of Abigail's little games." 

Her eyes once again met mine. She shook her hand and another ironical laugh left her mouth, then she closed the suitcase and zipped it. 

"Enough, Justin, enough lies." She started talking, while taking the suitcase down on the floor. "Do you really think that I'll believe your lies? Don't you think I listened to them for too long?"

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