Chapter Five

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After what happened last night, Chloe really wanted to see Landon today. She needed to talk to him, and for the first part of the day, she walked Zeus every two hours in hopes of running into Landon outside. So far there was no sight of him, and she was very disappointed.

Shortly after two that afternoon, Chloe received a strange text that read: You need to leave. It came from an unknown number.

Chloe texted back: Who is this? She didn't really expect a reply.

To Chloe's surprise, there was a reply: Someone who cares.

Chloe desperately needed someone to talk to, and since it couldn't be Landon or her parents she decided to call Britney.

Britney answered on the second ring. "Hello."

"Hey, it's me."

"Hey me," Britney said teasingly.

"Very funny."

"Seriously, how're you holding up?"

"I'm really scared now. Someone apparently doesn't want me here." Chloe chewed on her lip from worry.

"I really think you should tell your parents."

"No, I can't. They'll think I'm going crazy. They may even try to make me see a shrink."

"Would that be so bad?"

"Again, not funny." 

Britney was being serious, but Chloe didn't take it that way.

"At least you'd have someone else to talk to about what's going on, someone you could talk to in person," Britney said, trying to convince Chloe.

"I don't want to talk to anyone else, only you."

"What about Landon?"

"I want to talk to him, but I don't want him to think I'm crazy either."

Britney sighed. "My mom is needing me to help her with something. Can I call you back later?"

"Sure. I'll talk to you later," Chloe said before hitting the end button on her phone.

Chloe went into the kitchen where her mom was making dinner. "Mom I was wondering about something."

Her mom stopped stirring whatever was in the large pot on the stove and looked up at Chloe. "What is it sweetie?"

"I was wondering why you and dad thought the prayer meeting at Mrs. Hindley's house was weird?"

"Well it was mostly the people that we thought weird. Like Mrs. Hindley, and the elderly man they call Edwin, but you know I hate to judge people," Kate answered.

"What did they talk about?"

"The sin offering. Why?" Kate asked Chloe, her expression puzzled.

Chloe could feel the color drain from her face, and a knot formed in her stomach. Could she be living her own personal hell? Is someone trying to warn her that she could be a sacrifice or sin offering, or is she just overreacting?

"Chloe, is everything okay?" Kate asked, concern evident in her tone.

Chloe nodded. "Yeah. I'm going back upstairs, I forgot to do something."

"Okay, well dinner will be ready in about fifteen minutes."

Without saying a word, Chloe turned and went upstairs to her room. She wished that she had Landon's phone number so she could text him and ask him if he would meet her outside. She wasn't about to go to his house and knock on his door for fear that one of his crazy parents might answer the door. She thought about texting Lindsay and asking her for his number, but then quickly vanquished the thought. Lindsay probably wouldn't give it to her anyway.


Chloe fell asleep on her bed while watching a movie about five strangers trapped in an elevator with an evil, supernatural being. It didn't take long for her to begin dreaming.

Looking out her living room window, she saw a figure sprint from Landon's house and into her yard. She moved quickly to the door and walked out onto her porch. It was dark, a little too dark. "Landon," she whispered.

"Chloe, what are you doing out here?" She heard Landon's voice, but couldn't see him.

"Where are you?" She asked, scanning her front yard.

He was suddenly standing at the bottom step of her porch. Her breath hitched when she noticed he was only wearing denim shorts and shoes, but no shirt. She swiftly registered his hard muscle and sexy abs. "Landon, why are you running around out here without a shirt on?"

Landon slowly walked up the steps and stood right in front of her. "I wanted to see you," he said, running a hand up her arm. "And do this." He dipped his head so he could give her a gentle kiss. A slow, gentle yet passionate kiss that made her toes curl up.

"Get away from her Landon," Tom ordered his son.

Landon and Chloe looked up to see Tom, Donna, and the other neighbors standing in Chloe's front yard wearing dark cloaks.

Landon shook his head. "No, not her. Please," he begged them.

"Why? What makes her so special?" Donna asked her son.

"Because I care about her?" Landon answered.

Donna gave him a menacingly laugh. "Take him to the cellar," she ordered four of her cult members. Aaron and three other men in cloaks walked up on the porch and grabbed Landon, and began dragging him away. 

Donna put her sights on Chloe. "Take her to the shrine, and get her ready," she ordered others.

Two large men, and Penny started walking toward Chloe.

Chloe woke to the sound of her own screaming. She quickly sat up in her bed. She was sweating and her heart was pounding wildly.

A second later her mom rushed into her room. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, sorry. I'm watching a horror movie," she fibbed, only telling half the truth.

Her mom gestured toward the television. "You really shouldn't watch horror movies alone you know."

Chloe nodded in agreement. "I know."

"Well, goodnight sweetie."

"Goodnight mom." She rubbed her arms with her hands. The dream had seemed so real. She could still feel Landon's hands on her, and her lips tingled from his kiss. 

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