Chapter Six

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Chloe woke up to her phone dinging from a text message. She was more refreshed than she thought she would be after having the nightmare, which caused her to toss and turn all night. She stretched before grabbing her phone from the nightstand and reading the text.

Do you have plans this afternoon?

There was a number listed, but she didn't recognize it. Who is this?

Landon. Her heart skipped a beat when she read his name.

No. Why? She replied.

I was wondering if we could hang out at your house?

We? Who all is 'we?' She was hoping he wasn't including Lindsay. 

You and I! He replied.

Okay. What time?

Around one!

Sounds good!

Chloe quickly ate breakfast, and then took a shower. She straightened her long blonde hair, and put on a little more makeup than usual. She dressed in her favorite denim shorts and sleeveless baby-blue top.

She went downstairs around twelve forty-five and waited in the kitchen. She got a drink of water to keep her mouth from getting too dry.

The doorbell rang about five minutes later. Chloe trotted to the front door. "I'll get it," she yelled through the house for her mom to hear.

Chloe opened the door to see Mrs. Hindley standing on her porch. Disappointment quickly washed over her.

"Hello dear," Mrs. Hindley greeted her with a creepy smile.

"Hello," Chloe replied as she glanced across the street to see if she could see Landon. Finally remembering her manners, Chloe sidestepped. "Please come in."

The old lady slowly stepped over the threshold and into the foyer. She looked around. "Is your mom at home," Mrs. Hindley asked.

"Sure, just a moment while I find her." Chloe jogged up the stairs and went to her mom's office door. The office was empty. Just then her mom came out of the upstairs guest bathroom. Kate jumped, and then chuckled. "Chloe, you scared me."

Chloe put an index finger up to her lips, before quickly removing it and pointing to the floor. "Mrs. Hindley is downstairs," Chloe whispered.

Kate made a sour expression and mouthed 'crap' before walking downstairs.

"Mrs. Hindley, hello," Kate said as she descended the stairs.

Chloe glanced at her phone. It was one o'clock. Chloe went back downstairs to watch for Landon. "Edwin and I were wondering if we could meet with you and Mike tomorrow night, just the four of us." Chloe overheard Mrs. Hindley ask her mom as she was walking down the stairs.

"Oh, tomorrow's not a good night for us, we already have plans," Kate told her.

Chloe walked to the door and looked out, but there was still no sign of Landon. Maybe he changed his mind, she thought.

"It would only be for a few minutes. I promise," Mrs. Hindley begged.

"What time are you thinking?" Kate asked.

"Nine p.m.," Mrs. Hindley answered.

"I'll talk to Mike and get back with you."

"Okay dear, I'll wait to hear from you," Mrs. Hindley said before she turned and walked out the door.

Sincerity Lane (a short story)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang