Chapter Eight

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After Landon told Mike and Kate about the dangerous occult in their neighborhood, Mike immediately went for the phone to contact the police.

"The landline's dead," Mike told them, laying the handset back on the base. "I'll use my cell."

Suddenly Zeus began barking and growling upstairs. "I forgot about Zeus," Chloe said as she took off running up the stairs.

"Chloe wait!" Landon called from behind her. He rushed after her.

Zeus went quiet just before Chloe reached her bedroom door, causing a knot to form in her stomach. She rushed into the room. The door slammed shut behind her. Chloe turned to see Lindsay locking the door. Fear washed through Chloe as she took in the large butcher knife in Lindsay's hand.

"How did you get in here?" Chloe asked, breathless.

"I have my ways. Let's just say it's not the first time I've broken into someone's home," Lindsay smirked.

"Where's Zeus?" Chloe asked, but was afraid to hear the answer.

Lindsay nodded toward the window. "Unfortunately he can't fly," she said sarcastically.

Chloe's heart dropped. She silently prayed that Zeus was okay.

Landon jiggled the doorknob and banged on Chloe's door. "Chloe? Chloe who's in there?" He yelled from the other side. "Try to get to the door."

Lindsay had such evil in her eyes, an evil that Chloe had never seen before. Chloe was truly scared.

"I had one job to do, and I'm going to finish it. You're going with me," Lindsay ordered.

Chloe shook her head. "You don't have to do this Lindsay, you're better than they are. You can get out, and live a normal life." Chloe didn't want to live her life not having an ounce of faith in the good of mankind. She knew there was some good left in Lindsay. She just had to find it.

"I've already looked the Devil in the eyes. You can't do that without taking a journey to the bottom. Besides, I want to be his follower." Lindsay suddenly lunged at Chloe, holding the knife up in the air.

With only one chance to survive, Chloe quickly spun out of the way causing Lindsay to stumble past her. Just then, with Mike's help, Landon finally busted Chloe's door open. Without a thought for his own safety, Landon ran toward Lindsay. She quickly brought the knife up and stabbed Landon in the shoulder. Landon lifted Lindsay and threw her from the window.

Chloe and Landon went to the window and peered out. Lindsay lay face down and lifeless in the Archer's yard. 

"We need to find a way to call the police," Landon told the Archers. 

"Mom, Dad, you need to see this," Chloe said to her parents.

Kate and Mike walked over to the window and looked out. There were about thirteen people standing in their yard, and they were all dressed in a dark cloak. One by one, they started making their way to the Archers front door. The four of them were seriously outnumbered.

"My work cell is in my office," Kate said. 

"I can go with you," Mike told his wife.

"No, you need to stay and guard Chloe. She's the one they're after," Kate replied.

"We're coming to get you Archers," Aaron called from the stairwell. "You all are going to pay for killing Lindsay, especially Landon," he said harshly. 

Just then Kate ran from Chloe's bedroom and out in the hallway. Chloe's heart sank into the pit of her stomach. She needed to think of something quick in order to save her family, and her friend. Chloe grabbed the knife from the floor and ran out into the hallway. 

"Chloe wait," Landon said as he followed her.

Chloe stood in the hallway with the knife pointed at her jugular. Aaron, his dad Mark, Donna, and Tom were the first four of the cult at the top of the stairs. 

"Stop where you are, or I'll kill myself right here," Chloe warned them.

"Chloe, what are you doing?" Landon asked her softly. He was clearly concerned.

Aaron chuckled. "Relax Landon, she's bluffing."

"You really want to take that chance," Chloe said to Aaron. She stuck the point of the knife further into her skin, causing a drop of blood to exit her pierced skin. 

"Wait!" A familiar female voice called out from behind Donna and Tom. Elizabeth Hindley slowly walked to the front of the line and stood next to Aaron. "Chloe, there's no need to hurt yourself. We are not here to hurt anyone, despite what Aaron said. He was speaking for himself, but not for everyone."

"You're lying," Chloe snapped.

"I promise you, we're not lying. If you come with us, we'll leave your parents and Landon be," Mrs. Hindley begged.

Just then Kate opened the door to her office and stepped out. Chloe looked at her mom. Kate gave Chloe a wink to let her know that she was able to speak with the police.

Chloe put her sights back on Mrs. Hindley. "First, I want you to tell me what happened to Ellie Reasor."

Mrs. Hindley's expression turned to shock. "How did you know about Ellie?" Mrs. Hindley looked at Landon.

"No, it wasn't him. I did some research, and found out myself. Now what happened to her or I'm killing myself," Chloe ordered. Not only did she want to stall them, but she really did want answers for Ellie as well.

Mrs. Hindley took a step closer, and put her hand out to Chloe. "Come with us, and we'll show you what happened to Ellie."

"No!" Landon yelled. "They killed her Chloe, they used her as a sacrifice. They're all crazy."

"Shut up Landon," Aaron yelled. "Mrs. Hindley, can I kill him. Please let me kill him," Aaron begged the old lady.

"I guess since Chloe's not coming with us, we have no other choice. We'll take Landon instead," Mrs. Hindley answered Aaron.

"No stop. I'll go," Chloe spat.

"Chloe, no," Mike told his daughter.

Chloe let the knife drop to the floor, and she gave her hand to Mrs Hindley. Mrs. Hindley put her arm around Chloe's shoulders and began walking her back down the stairwell. Aaron and his dad, Mark, stood guard so Landon, Mike, nor Kate could follow. 

"You're not going to hurt her," Landon said through gritted teeth. His words directed to Aaron.

Aaron tilted his head to the side. "Yes we are, and there's nothing you can do about it."

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