Chapter Ten

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Aaron lunged for Landon, and Mike shot him in the leg. Aaron immediately fell to the ground. 

"No one else move or they'll get shot," Mike yelled.

Aaron grabbed the knife lying on the ground and held it up in the air moving toward Landon.

"Landon," Kate screamed. 

Landon glanced toward Aaron. He saw the knife and quickly moved away from the incoming blade, which landed hard into Mrs. Hindley's chest. Gasps came from several people in the room.

"Oh no, what have I done," Aaron cried. He grabbed the old woman's shoulders. "Please don't die, we need you," he begged. The woman's eyes closed and her body sagged to the ground. "NO!" Aaron screamed out.

Suddenly four police officers came rushing into the building, guns drawn. "Drop the weapon," one of them told Mike. He was an older officer.

"It's okay, I'm one of the good guys," Mike said as he laid the gun on the table at Chloe's feet and put his hands up in the air.

One of the other officers took in Chloe and the people standing around her in cloaks. "What the hell?" she asked, seemingly in shock.

The older officer handed his cuffs to the female. "Here, get as many of those...people in cuffs, and call for backup," he ordered her. 

One of the younger male officers cut the ropes from Chloe's arms and legs and assisted her off the table. "Are you okay young lady?" he asked her.

She nodded. "I'm fine," she answered before going to her mom and embracing her. Tears fell down both their faces.

"Oh honey," Kate said to her daughter, while hugging her tightly.


Chloe and Landon sat in the back of an ambulance, while an EMT worked on Landon's shoulder where Lindsay had stabbed him earlier. They watched as several police officers put their neighbors and Landon's parents into patrol cars. Mike and Kate were giving their statements to another officer. Chloe had never seen so many police officers in one place before. 

Suddenly a female officer walked up to the ambulance holding Zeus in her arms. "Does this little guy belong to you," she asked them. 

"Zeus!" Chloe called, she pulled her arms from under the blanket and reached out for her little friend. 

"He may have a broken leg, but I think he'll live," the officer told her, as she handed Chloe the dog. Chloe kissed Zeus on the head, and he returned a kiss as well.

Landon wrapped his free arm around Chloe. "It's over Chloe, you're safe now. I'll always keep you safe. That is, if you'll let me."

She looked up into his beautiful eyes. "Of course, we'll keep each other safe. Always."

"Always baby," he said before giving her a gentle kiss, making her lips tingle.

A moment later, a police officer walked by with Aaron in handcuffs, headed toward a patrol car. His leg had been wrapped where her dad had shot him. Aaron glared at them, and Chloe got chills from the evil she saw in his eyes. There was no doubt in her mind that he wouldn't come back for them if he ever got free.

The End...for now!


Thank you for reading! 

If you have a moment - would you mind answering 2 or more of these questions:

Did the story hold your interest from the very beginning? If not, why not?Did the setting interest you, and did the descriptions seem vivid and real to you?Was there a point at which you felt the story started to lag or you became less than excited about finding out what was going to happen next? Where, exactly?Were there any parts that confused you? Or even frustrated or annoyed you? Which parts, and why?Did you notice any discrepancies or inconsistencies in time sequences, places, character details, or other details?Were the characters believable? Are there any characters you think could be made more interesting or more likable?Did the dialogue keep your interest and sound natural to you? If not, whose dialogue did you think sounded artificial or not like that person would speak?Did you feel there was too much description or exposition? Not enough? Maybe too much dialogue in parts?Was there enough conflict, tension, and intrigue to keep your interest?Was the ending satisfying? Believable?

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