Chapter Nineteen

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The past two days have been a blur.

Trying to keep up with my work and maintain my sanity is proving to be more difficult by the day. The only person I have to talk to is my Mom and with her schedule, those conversations are hard to come by.

Tomorrow is the day I might get answers about this whole nightmare. I keep telling myself that since he's innocent, there's no way he could possibly be charged.  Unfortunately,  innocent people do end up in jail more than you'd like to think.

Especially when money is involved.

And the Wallace's have a lot of  money.

I've done my research on this family and they have a strong imprint on this community.  The family practically funds the college and has a big upper hand in politics.

They don't want their family name tarnished in all this and I know they're out for blood. But I will not let it happen.

My classes are finished for the day and I walk to my car, so completely wrapped up in my thoughts that I don't notice Daniel leaning on it until I go to open my door.

"I gave you my number Tuesday, " he says. His arms crossed over his chest,  he leans on his back and crosses his feet. I usually see him sitting so I just now realize how tall he is.

He has scrubs on but I notice he always wears a hoodie over them. He has his usual headphones around his neck. His hood is down today, showing his short, dirty blonde hair that's messy on top and short on sides.

He quirks his eyebrow and grins, flashing the deep dimples in his cheeks and a big toothy smile.

He's actually very good looking to be honest. I think I've just been too distracted to notice. 

"Yes, you gave me your number Tuesday?" I repeat his statement wondering where he's going with this.

"You never called me," he sticks his bottom lip out dramatically with his arms falling to the side.

"Did I say I was going to call you, Daniel?" I cross my arms and hold back a laugh at his attempt to make me feel guilty.

"Well, no. I just assumed you would because I'm so charming and good looking," he smirks. It doesn't come out in an arrogant asshole way. There's an innocence to what he's  saying like its more of a joke than serious.

I roll my eyes and get into my car. He knocks on my window and I blow out a long breath before rolling it down. He leans into it, placing his arms above his head.

"You're breaking my heart, Allie," he holds one hand over his heart, again being over dramatic.

"Listen Daniel..." As soon as I say this, he pretends like he's being shot.

"Oh man, it hurts," he puts both hands on his chest.

"I think you're really nice..." I continue and so does his performance.

"Shots fired shots fired," he stumbles back and at this point I'm holding back laughs.

"But I have a boyfriend," I finish and he falls to the ground, laying flat out next to my car and I'm now full on cracking up.

"It's getting dark. Darkness is consuming my soul, Allie. I can not go on," he holds his hand out and then lets it collapse to the ground.

"Get off the ground you ass," I hiss at him when I realize people are starting to notice.

"I can't.... I just died of a broken heart," he says with his eyes still closed.

"Get. Up."

"Can't do that," I see his lips turn up.

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