Chapter Twenty-Six

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A/n:  Just admit guys only come here for the gifs 😉

I apologize for last night. I accidentally published this chapter before it was done so if you saw that, you're not losing your mind lol

Enjoy 😙


"So much for you being a gentleman," I laugh as James crawls into my bed and spoons me from behind. I scoot myself back, getting as close to his body as possible.

"Listen, I tried my best but I guess I don't have it in me," he laughs and it vibrates through me as  I feel him wrap his arms around my waist. I could get used to this.

God I missed him..

"That little stunt you pulled in the hallway was definitely not you trying your best," I say, rolling my eyes.

Little stunt...

More like BIG stunt....

Or better yet...Holy shit fuck this is hot and I can't handle this...stunt

"Are you complaining?" He asks in a deep, husky voice before his mouth starts trailing down my neck.

How does he do this?! I feel like usually you have sex with a person and you feel satisfied for a reasonable amount of time. But with James, I swear I feel even more insatiable right after. The memories of how he made me feel just an hour ago are fresh in my head and my body just craves more.

"I am definitely not complaining," my words sound all breathy because his assault on my neck gets more aggressive.

"But before you distract me..." I turn my body to face him," ...can we talk for a little bit?"

"Of course, " he smiles and brushes the hair from my face and behind my ear. Sometimes it surprises me how gentle James can be since his other personality is so dominating.

I make a mental note to ask if there is a specific reason why he prefers sex like that.

Again..I'm not complaining

"What happened with your ex?" I ask quietly. I didn't want to start out so blunt but ever since that lawyers meeting a month ago, it's been on my mind.

His face doesn't falter though, he just continues running his fingers through the the hair around my face with a peaceful smile.

"Her name was Kate....We started dating our senior year in high school. It wasn't a healthy relationship from the start... I mean, we had good times at the beginning but it just got worse and worse. I had an anger problem and we both had jealousy issues..." his brows pinch together as he recalls the memories. "Two years in, we were nineteen, living together and I was still thinking about what I wanted to go to college for but Kate had already begun and one of the big issues we had was her going to college parties and bars...."

His eyes looked sad and I felt a little pang in my stomach. Does he still love her? Did he ever love her? I actually feel jealous of a relationship that ended four years ago. I roll my eyes at myself internally and continue listening.

"One night we got in a huge fight before she went to the bar because I didn't want her to go but she went any way..." he looks down at his hands like he almost ashamed to say the next part,"...I followed her there..." he looks up at me again.

"What happened?" I ask and in a way I'm afraid what he's about to say might change how I see him but I brush off that feeling. I know James is a good man. Nothing can change that.

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