Ugly Sweater Party - Markimoo

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"ARE YOU GONNA GO OR NOT?!" my bestie, Keylee, yelled at me through the phone.

"Yes, Keylee, I'll be there I'm just running a little late," I reply

"Did you remember an ugly sweater?"

"Yed, did you remember?"

"Of course I did, it's my party,"

"Yeah, I know, I'll be there in a couple minutes, is Jack gonna be there?"

"Yeah, and he brought his buddy Mark,"




"He's hot, by the way,"

"Keylee, you have a boyfriend, you shouldn't be saying those things,"

"Just stating the facts, but obviously I would never leave Jack,"

"Anyway I'm pulling up now,"

"Okay just walk in, I'll meet you at the door,"

"Okay," I hang up and take out my keys from the ignition. I exit the car and head to the door, opening it and stepping inside.

"AYLEEEEEN!" I hear a very familiar voice shout at me.

"KEYLEEEEE!!" I shout back and pull my bestie in for a tight bear hug. She's wearing a Christmas sweater that says "merry f*cking christmas"

"I've missed ya, bro," she says releasing me from our hug, "I like that sweater," she says pointing at my sweater with heels over my tuts that says "jingle my bells"

"I've missed you too," I see jack standing behind her.

"Hey jack!!" I shout and give him a hug.

"How've ya been Ayleen?" He asks.

"I've been good, what about you?" "I'm good,"

"That's good," I say. I walk off and head towards the food. Once there, I pick out some cookies and and a beer from Keylee's fridge. I look around the room. There were some people I recognized, but there was one guy who I saw who I was completely entranced by. He had fluffy long red hair on the top of his head. He had a trimmed beard and a sweater that also said " jingle my bells" I smiled for a moment. He turned towards me and I immediately looked away, but when I glanced back, I saw he was staring at me. I became uncomfortable and walked away to Keylee.

"Hey, Ayleeny, by the way I saw you totally checking mark out," she says.

"Oh! That's mark?" I ask.

"Yeah, you should go talk to him," she says and nudges me with her elbow.


"Why not?? You two have practically have the same sweater and are OBVIOUSLY into each other, now go!" She pushes me forward. I lose my footing on the rug and bump right into Mark, causing him to fall onto Keylee's couch, with me on top of him.

"Oh, uh, hi?" I say. Mark laughs, "hi there, haha,"

"I should, uh, get off of you shouldn't I?" I say.

"I don't really mind it, babe," he says flirtatiously winking. I feel myself blush and get off of Mark. He stand up and sticks out his hand, "hi, I'm Mark,"

"Ayleen," I reply and shake his hand.

"Pretty name for a pretty girl," he smiles. Uncontrollably, I smile widely.

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