Diamond Girl (Part Three)

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My stomach dropped as I turned around, seeing Dan, my ex. 

"How are you doing, babe?  It's been so long since I last saw you,"  He says wrapping an arm around my waist.  I push him away and move closer to Jack who had stepped towards us.

"I'm not your babe,"  I say coldly. 

"C'mon, can't we just forget all that?"

"No, Dan, I can forgive, but I'll never forget what you did!"  I start to walk away, but Dan grabs my wrist and pulls me back to him. 

"Babe, c'mon, let's go back to my place and I'll show you a good time,"  He half slurs.  His scent filled my senses, causing my stomach to do a complete flop.  I push him away as hard as I can, causing him to knock into the counter behind him. 

"Keylee,"  Jack says and tries to stop me, but I keep running to the bathroom.  I slam the bathroom door shut behind me.  I then pull up the toilet lid as I pull my hair back, vomitting into the toilet.  Once I was done, I flush the toilet and sit next to tub.  Tears start to slowly run down my cheeks. There was a knock at the door.

"Keylee?"  Jack said from the other side of the door.  I quickly wipe my tears and wash my hands as I open the door. 

"Yeah?"  I try my best to hide that I had been crying.

"Are you okay?"  Jack asks, which just causes me to start crying again.  "Aww, it's okay, you're okay," Jack whispers as he pulls me into a hug.  "Do you want to go home?"  I nod as I pull away and wipe my tears with my sleeve. 

"Let me tell Ayleen,"  I say.

"Okay,"  Jack says as he takes a gentle hold of my hand as we walk back into the party, looking for Ayleen.  I find her dancing/grinding on Mark.

"Ayleen!"  I shout.  She stops immeiately and flushes when she sees me.  The embarassment is soon replaced with concern when she sees me.

"Are you okay?  It looks like you've been crying,"  She hugs me.

"Yeah, I-I ran into Dan,"  I reply.

"Dan?"  She asks as she pulls away.

"Yeah, he was here an he tried to get me to go home with him,"

"I'm so sorry I wasn't there, do you want to go home?"

"It's okay, Jack was there for me,"  I smile at Jack, "And, yeah, I'm going home, are you staying?"

"If you want me to come with you, I will,"

"It's okay if you want to stay a little longer,"  By this time, Mark had come over.

"Actually, I'm staying the night,"  Ayleen says, looking down awkwardly.  I glance at Mark who had a smirk on his face. 

"Oh, oh my,"  I say, knowing exactly what they were going to do.  "You take care of her, understand?" I say, pointing at Mark.

"I understand,"

"Good, I'll be here tomorrow morning to pick her up, if she is not ready by 10 am, I will not hesitate to bust in here and--"

"I get it, she'll be ready tomorrow by 10.  Anyway, goodnight, you two, have fun"  Mark winks at me and Jack.  Jack rolls his eyes and I feel myself blush slightly. 

"Goodnight,"  I say as me and Jack leave the house.  We get in the car and drive back to my place.  Jack walks me to my door.

"So, I guess this is it?"  Jack says.

"Unless, you want to come inside for a little bit?  I just don't want to be alone right now,"  I say.

"Sure,"  Jack says as we enter my apartment. 

"Nice place,"  Jack says as we sit on the couch.


"I hate to pry, but who was that guy at the party?"  Jack asks.  I sigh.  "I'm sorry, I understand if you don't want to talk about it,"

"No, no, it's okay.  Basically, around Nivember-ish, Dan was late getting home from work.   It was seven and he should've been home at six, you know?  Anyway, I was talking to Ayleen about it, and she told me that he was cheating on me,"  I felt the tears stat forming. 

"Aw, darling,"  Jack said as he oulled me into a gently hug.

"And Ayleen had known since September!"  I say, my voice breaking at the end.

"She didn't tell you?"

"No."  Jack pulls away.

"I can't believe she wouldn't tell you,"

"I know,"

"And I can't believe he would do something like that to you!"

"Well,  I had been working a lot, and we'd been getting into a lot of fights, so I don't really blame him,"

"But that doesn't matter!  If he truly cared about you, he woudn't've cared about you working late and getting into fights.  If he truly cared, he would've realized that the fact that you are funny, kind, caring, have a great taste in many things, are a beautiful young lady, you're smart, genuine, and just a real diamond girl should outweigh a few dumb fights,"  Jack rambles.  I remain speechless, comletely shocked.  "Too much?"

"No, no, you're... perfect,"  I say as I gently press my lips onto his.  I pull back after a few seconds.

"I hope you don't mind that I want to go slow, Sean... I really like you, but now you know why it's hard for me to trust people,"  I whisper. 

"I understand completely,"  Sean replies.  I rest my head on his shoulder as he wraps an arm around me. 

"Will you tell me a bedtime story?"  I ask.

"Sure.  There once was a girl and a boy who met while walking under ladders..."

~ 5 Years Later ~

Silly Shots (Jacksepticeye And Markiplier)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora