Good or Bad? - Mark (Part Two)

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She exits the apartment building, then gets in her car  She drives to the address, being greeted with a mansion straight out of horror movie.  Juliette pulled up to the gate and the intercom beeps.

"Who's there?'  A voice says.

"The Dark Assassin, I'm here for Dr. E,"  Juliette says.  

"Alright, I'll open the gate.  Drive to the right and park.  Leave all weapons and electronics behind.  No recording this encounter,"  The gate opens and Juliette drives through.  She parks on the right side of the mansion and gets out of her car, closing the door.  Two men in black suits approach Juliette.

"Hello, Miss Vidal, we are here to escort you into Dr. E's residence," One of them says as they turn and start walking towards the front door.

"Wait, how did you--"  Juliette says.

"Dr. E has his ways," The other replies.

They enter the house and are greeted by a man in his forties.  He had dark, thinning hair, a few wrinkles and grey eyes.  He had on a lab coat and blue doctor gloves.

"You wouldn't happen to be Dr. E, would you?"  Juliette asks, sarcastically.

"Why, yes, I am.  Now, Miss Vidal, if you would, follow me to my laboratory,"  Dr. E says, waving away the men with his hand.  He starts walking down a long corridor while Juliette follows him.  They get in an elevator, going down a few levels before they stopped.  Juliette and Dr. E entered a large, pristinely clean lab.  There were all sorts of different contraptions with different colored liquids and such.  Everything shimmered clean.  

Dr. E lead Juliette into a room that had a desk in it.  There were two computers, a large container of hand sanitizer, a box of plastic gloves, and a file.  Behind the desk, stood Dr. E, three large filing cabinets and a fan on top of the far right one.  

"Alrighty, Miss Vidal.  So, you want some information on Timor, correct?  He is your arch nemesis, right?"  Dr. E says, opening the file.

"That is correct,"  Juliette replies.  

"Alright,"  He slides the file towards Juliette.  The file had his nickname (Timor), his basic appearance (dark hair, muscular build).

"Since he is new, and is quite good at keeping his identity secret, I do not know who he is quite yet, but what I do know is that he is able to turn back time up to 24 hours, and is strong,"

"How do you know that?"

"I have my ways.  Now, what you came here for was a way for you to disable his power,"


"Now, that's where this gets interesting."  Dr. E unlocks a drawer and pulls out a needle with a deep blue liquid in it.

"This right here, is Subject B44.  A liquid that is able to disable any hero or villain's power if injected through the neck, specifically.  The person affected will be unable to use their powers for the next 24 hours,"  Dr. E says, examining the needle.

"I can give it to you,"  He says, holding it towards Juliette.  She goes to take it, but he pulls back, "IF you can do something for me,"

"Well, what do you want?"

"You see, a few of my employees have started complaining about wages, yadda, yadda, yadda.  Anyway, after you get rid of this "Timor" kid, I want you to start robbing banks and such, and I wan 60% of the profits,"

"What? No!"

"I can do 55%"  


"45% and you'll have a deal,"

"Deal."  They shake hands.  Dr. E hands Juliette the needle.

"Now, be careful with that, I don't have another,"

"Okey dokey, thanks Dr. E,"  Juliette says and exits the lab through the elevator.  The men from before escort her back to her car, one of them opening the door for her.

"Thanks, darlin',"  She says, putting the needle underneath her jacket on the passenger seat.  She drives back to the apartment and enter without a sound.  She then opens up her copy of The Shining to the page she left off on, 112, and lays it over her chest, making it look like she fell asleep reading.  

He next morning, it was Friday and she had to go to work, so she left just  after Mark did.  She arrived back home just after Mark, too.  

"How are ya?"  Mark asked as Juliette entered the apartment.

"Pretty good, ya know?  I have a feelin' somethin' good's gonna happen,"

"Yeah? And what might that be?"

"I don't know,"  But she did know.  She was going to take care of that pain in her neck, Timor.  

"Anyway, wanna watch a movie?"  Mark asked.

"Maybe, but you know that show I've been telling you about and saying that you need to watch?"


"Well, we should watch it,"

"If that's what you want,"  

"Yay!"  Juliette says.  They start watching that show as the sun goes down.  After the first episode ends, Mark turns to Juliette.

"Hey, Julie?"  Mark says, planning on telling her about his love for her.

"Yeah, Mark?'  She replies.

"There's something I need to tell you,"

"Oh no, sorry Mark,"  Juliette says


"Jessalyn just texted me. She said she needed me to come over immediately,"  Juliette lies.

"Do you want me to go with?"

"No, no, she said it was personal,"  Juliette puts on her beanie, "What were you gonna say?"

"Oh, nothing, I'll tell you tomorrow"  

"Oh, okay,"  Juliette says, a little disappointed that he didn't say something like "I love you" like she had been wanting for the past year.  Juliette gets in her car, seeing the needle under her jacket.  She drives to her seventh grade English teacher's house.  He had failed her because her essay sounded like it was plagiarized, which it was not.  

She starts walking up to the house stealthily, needle hidden under her sweater in her belt loop.  Soon, she feels she is not alone and looks around.  

"Timor,"  She whispers teasingly and in a sing song voice.  As she says this, Mark steps out from behind a bush, a blue mask over his eyes.  Just like the one Juliette had, except hers was black, like everything else on her body.  Mark was behind Juliette and had clearly forgotten she was a good fighter.  He reached out to touch her and she grabbed his hand, pulling the same maneuver that she had used before.  She injects the liquid into Mark/Timor's neck.  She stands and steps away as Mark stands up.  Juliette pulls out a hidden gun and points it at him.  He sticks his hand out and grunts, soon becoming increasingly annoyed, trying again and again.

"What's going on?  What was that?"  Mark says.

"Oh, this?"  Juliette says, holding up the needle, a little bit of the liquid still in it.

"Just a little bit of Subject B44 from Dr. E.  Disables any hero or villain's powers for 24 hours.  Comes in pretty useful when you've got a time traveller on your hands."  Juliette throws the needle to the ground.  Mark/Timor then gets a thought while staring down the barrel of Juliette/The Dark Assassin's gun.

"Keep her talking.  Villains love that,"

"So, since I am as good as dead, why don't you tell me why you're doing this?"  Mark says.  Juliette smiles sinisterly and pulls the trigger.  Mark falls to the ground and Juliette walks over to it, kneeling by his dying body.

"Alright, let's see who this is,"  Juliette says, taking off her mask, then Mark's.


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