chapter 2|The way back

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I finished the eclairs and I was about to tell her I saved the strawberry ones for her, but she seemed to have fallen asleep. I sighed in relief. I wouldn't have to tell her what happened. I really did like her. She probably doesn't like me though so I didn't and won't say anything.

"Can I take these to go?" I questioned to the house elves. They really are cute creatures. They nodded. I wrapped them and shoved them into my bag. I looked over at Alice. She was sleeping peacefully on the table. My mouth twitched into a smile as I walked over to her. "Oh Alice," I smiled down at her sleeping figure. I shook her. She stirred. "I'll carry you," I opened my arms. I leaned down and she wrapped her arms around my neck and her legs around the front of my waist. Then, she buried her head into my neck. I put my arms under her backside to hold her up and began the long journey to the common room. Halfway up I had to readjust her a bit then I kept walking. She shifted a bit. "Do you want to go back up to the ravenclaw room or you can stay in the hufflepuff room," I whispered in her hair. "We're closer to the hufflepuff room."

"Hufflepuff," I heard her mummbke into my shoulder. I brought her into the common room and up to my dorm room. I didn't have roommates for whatever reason. I set her down on my bed and gave her one of my shirts.

"Wear this," I told her. She got up and I turned around. When she was done she braided back her hair and started for the couch. "We can share a bed," I blurted out. I felt my cheeks heat up at what I just said.

"Okay," she replied yawning and settling in next to me. "It's cold." I sighed and wrapped my arms around her and pulled her to my chest. I felt her small arms go around my torso and a faint thank you before I  drifted off to sleep.

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I woke up to a pair of arms wrapped around me and saw newt's head buried into my neck. I sighed. I thought he didn't like me. I tried to move but I couldn't so I merely looked down at my watch to see that it was 10:00. I freaked out.

"It's a Saturday," I heard Newt mumble. I relaxed at that. "Go back to sleep Alice."

"I want food," I told him, trying to get out of his embrace. He just pulled me closer to him. I sighed and gave in. I snuggled back under the covers and fell back asleep.

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I walked into the great hall with Newt a fresh pair of robes on and really hungry. He gave me strawberry eclairs but I left them in my dorm. It was around lunchtime due to the fact that we slept in. I sat next to him and put my head on the table.

"Let's go to hogsmeade," Newt suggested. I shrugged and grabbed a sandwich. When we were done with lunch I went to my dorm and changed into a pair of jeans and a nice t shirt. I threw my long gray trench coat over it and went to meet Newt. I had on black flats hoping that we wouldn't walk too much and left my hair down. I stepped out of the building and into the carriage. I opened my book and started reading. After 20 minutes I cringed while folding the corner to mark my page.

"Remind me to buy a bookmark," I sighed and closed my poor book. I stepped out of the carriage and we headed for the three broomsticks.

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This chapter is kind of when Newt shows that he doesn't hate her. They both soften up to one another. I'm so happy. My other book got 1k reads and yesterday I was lie crying tears of joy. I actually do need to buy a bookmark. I cringe every time I fold the page. Did you go black Friday shopping?

I did. I got the screenplay for fantastic beasts for 60% off at Barnes and noble and I got really cute canvases for like 75% off then I wrote a quote by Newt on it and it made me really happy.

 I got the screenplay for fantastic beasts for 60% off at Barnes and noble and I got really cute canvases for like 75% off then I wrote a quote by Newt on it and it made me really happy

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Oh and have an cute video of Eddie just being adorable.

- Alice💖

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