Chapter 11|Promises

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"Be mine?" A Gryffindor fourth year called out to me.

"I'm sorry, but you're a bit young?" I smiled apologetically and gave him a hug anyways.

"Alice!" Henry called.

"Hey Henry," he fell in step with me.

"How is um, salamander?" He cautiously asked me. He tried to make sure I didn't flip out. I teared up and masked it quickly.

"I don't know, he's not my business anymore," I stood up tall, and didn't even realize that I walked straight past Newt. "He's Leta's." Henry sighed and ran his hand through his quiff before throwing it around my shoulder and walking me to class. I chuckled and went along with it.

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"He's Leta's." I followed her voice and saw Henry throw an arm around her. He placed a kiss on her cheek as they walked into class. I was broken out of my thoughts when Leta took my face and kissed my nose sending me back into the trance.


"Alice, you broke up with me for no reason!" His temper raised.

"You know why I broke up with you!" I screamed back. "It's always just LETA!"

"I don't know what you're talking about! At least I didn't go around to another boy already you-" He didn't get to finish. I didn't let him because I knew what he was going to say. I slapped him across the face. It rang through the room as fresh tears trickled down my face.

"You have no right to call me that," I looked down. Hot tears made their way down my cheeks as memories of my father flashed through my head. I ran out and went to the library. I sat in the corner and cried.

"Alice?" I didn't even look up to know it was Newt. "I'm sorry, I- I didn't know."

"There's a reason why you don't know!" My voice rang through the quiet library. "I don't like to bring up how my father pushed me around and used me like a play toy." More sobs. "Why don't you just go back to Leta, you like her more than me don't you?" My voice was dangerously low as I spoke my thoughts out loud, not even giving him time to respond. I swiftly walked out of the library and to my room where I was met with the comfort of sleepiness, something that just whisked my bad thoughts away. I smiled as I entered the land of dreams.


"Henry!" I squirmed as he tickled me. "stop, please!"

"fine," he got off of me and helped me up. "let's go to dinner." he pulled me down to dinner and sat me in the middle of the quidditch team. "Hey, guys," he greeted them.

"Hey," I smiled as Caroline pulled me to sit next to her.

"Hey," she put a pastry on a plate and pushed it toward me. "Strawberry." I stared down at the eclair.

"Thank you," I smiled and bit into it. I haven't had an eclair for awhile. I looked up and saw Newt staring at me. When he met my eyes he blushed and looked back down. No matter how much I hated him, I still loved him. (That doesn't make sense... Whatever) I smiled and continued talking to my friends.

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She smiled at me? Or am I hallucinating? I want her back, no, I need her back. I still love her. I- I just don't know how to get her to forgive me. I'll stop hanging out with Leta? Yes! That's it. No more Leta. I'll win her back on Valentine's day. I smiled. Now how to do it?

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FEB. 13, 9:00 P.M.

I made my way to the corner of the library to study. It was late, but I had nothing else to do. Oh! I can fly around. "Accio," I muttered on my way back. I caught my broom and put my books in my room before jumping out the window and landing on my broom. I cut through the air on my broom and flew above Hogwarts. I sighed and smiled, the view was beautiful.

"Allie," I heard someone breath out, Newt.

"Newt?" I spun to face him. "Hey, I saw you stopped hanging out with Leta."

"Yeah," he smiled. "It's better without her." I laughed. "So do you have a Valentine for tomorrow?"

"No, I'm hoping this one boy will ask me," I smiled at Newt. He flew closer to me and gave me a sad look.

"Who?" The disappointment showing through.

"Well, he has reddish brown hair, and hazel eyes," I looked at him. "He also has a million freckles and loved creatures. And I'm in love with him." I leaned on closer to him. Amusement listened in his eyes.

"Well, the girl I love had chocolate brown hair, and beautiful hazel eyes and is captain of the ravenclaw quidditch team," he smiled at me.

"My room, now," I led him to my room. I dismounted my broom and turned to have Newt crash his lips on mine and back me into a wall. He kissed me harshly.

"I. Love. You." He breathed in between kisses. I smiled and pulled away softly.

"I love you too," I smiled and kissed him again. I laughed lightly as I pulled away. "I missed you so much," I cried lightly.

"Love, it's alright, I'm here now," he held me. The nickname made my heart swell. I pulled him to the bed and got in.

"Stay please," I pleaded him.

"I have no intention of being anywhere else," he slipped into bed, and kissed my cheek. I curled up to him and he held me. "Please don't leave me again," he kissed my head.

"Promise," I leaned up and kissed him lightly. "Oh! I have something for you!" I pulled out his Christmas present and handed it to him.

"Love," he glanced at me. "Is it a broom?" I smiled.

"Open it!" I threw my hands together excitedly. He opened it and in a flash, I was in the air and his lips connected with mine.

"Thank you," He kissed me again. I giggled with delight as he spun me around and kissed me repeatedly. "This is for you," he handed me a small box. I opened it to reveal my necklace and a stunning sapphire ring.

"Newt," I kissed him. "Thank you."

"Anything for you love, oh and that's a promise ring," he clicked his tongue.

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Sorry for the long wait. ⚇ that's the end!

- Alice♡

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