Chapter 10|Why?

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I let out another sob. Newt hasn't talked to me in a couple weeks, all because of his new friend, Leta. The Christmas ball passed, and Newt didn't show up, he was with Leta. Caroline held me in her arms as she has done for the past week trying to comfort me and failing. I choked out more another sob.

"Relax honey," she rubbed my back. "It's going to be okay."

"Why?" I cried into her sweater. "Why did he pick her over his girlfriend?" I sobbed more.

"Honey, if you really want to know, ask him," she looked me in the eye. "Just ask him."

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I walked down the corridors again, eyes red and dark circles from crying and lack of sleep. Whispers came from all around me as I walked with my head down. One hand securing my bag in place and the other toying with my necklace. I saw Newt down the hall alone, for once. I approached him. "Hi," I mumbled to him.

"Hi Alice!" He glanced at me then turned his attention back to his book. No nicknames. No Allie or Love or Angel. Just Alice. "Leta and I went to the forbidden forest last night, and we spotted unicorns," he rambled to me. Everything was just Leta now. No more study dates, no more niffler conversations. Just Leta.

"Newt I- I can't do this anymore," I handed him the necklace before abruptly getting up and rushing back to my room, ignoring him calling out to me. I collapsed when I got back. I cried. I sat in the corner and cried. It was midnight when I ran out of tears. There were great slashes on my wrist and I felt emotionless. I was sitting in the window, feeling the early spring air and looking at the stars. Caroline game in a half hour later. Wishing me goodnight and going to bed. I sighed as finally my tears were restored. I leaned back and shut my eyes as they rolled down my cheeks. I silently cried. Why did this happen? When did this happen? Pain is better than nothing. I stared down at my wrists, art that had been made with my favorite blade. One I haven't picked up since the summer of third year, when my dad beat me, harsher than he had before. By the time the sun rose, I was again out of tears. Caroline sighed at my wrists.

"I'll call you in sick, okay?" I nodded and she hugged me. "I'm also taking this with me." She picked up my blades and set them in her bag, heading to class. I hopped off the window.

"Accio firebolt," I waved my hand and it flew under me. I sighed in content and flew above the castle. I sat up there for a while, just thinking. I felt someone's presence. "Newt," I whispered.

"Alice," he pleaded. "Why?" I didn't answer him.

"Why did you ignore me?" I didn't move. "Why didn't you show up to the ball?"

"I was with Leta," he answered like it wasn't a big deal. " She was helping me with my book.

"There's your answer," I turned to him. "I hope she makes you happy." I smiled sadly before flying back down to my room. He chased me, but he knew I was faster and gave up. I was relieved as I soared high into the air, leaning back and dropping off my broom. I felt the wind rush through my hair as I dived down. "Accio," I called feeling my broom pick me up and soar back up into the air. I jumped off and flipped a couple times, laughing and forgetting about Newt. I waved my hand, feeling my broom again before soaring back to my room. I put my broom away and sighed as I spotted the broom i bought for Newt, as a Christmas gift. He didn't show up. I collapsed on my bed getting half a night of well needed sleep.

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I woke up reluctantly the next morning, spotting a letter on my bed. I recognize Newt's handwriting and tossed it into my drawer, heading to breakfast.

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I watched her as glee flashed in her eyes. She flipped off her broom and performed her wandless magic, something she excelled at. She laughed. It was so sweet to hear her laughter again. I've only heard her sobs recently. "Newt?" Leta took my hand. I turned to her.

"Let's go," she pulled me away from my love as sadness took over my body. Why did she break up with me?

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I laughed in pure bliss as we played tag at quidditch that day. Caroline chased me and Henry as we split up and I soared into the air. "Watch this!" I dive off my broom and flipped a few times. "Accio!" I landed on my broom and laughed as Henry high fived me.

"Nice Allie," he grinned at me as we made our way back to the ravenclaw tower. We chatted the whole way there and didn't even notice Newt and Leta talking and leaning closer toward each other than they should be.

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YOU'RE A FOOL NEWT!!!! sorry for the long wait but here you go!!! Hope you enjoy nifflers.


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